Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The days flitted by and soon it was time for school. Hooray. Note the sarcasm. Most of the bruising had almost disappeared and the cuts were turning into light scars. I had no idea what my back looked like; I just hoped there was no infection, so every day I washed it. I stayed away from mother and father although they had seemed to have forgotten about me. There were the usual beatings but whenever I was in their presence, especially father, fear would course through my veins, making my blood run cold.

Never would I have thought I would fear my parents. I’d never been this afraid of them, afraid of what they could do to me. Plus they still weren’t feeding me; I was skinny enough, I didn’t want my skin tight across my cheekbones.

So the night before I went to school I grabbed some more figs. I was pretty much living off figs, mulberries and water. When I woke up on the first day of school I dressed straight away, pulling an old, tattered school bag from under my bed and went to the park which was about two minutes from school.

School started at 8:30 and I walked through the school gates as the bell rang, I wasn’t scared of losing my way, more of finding it. There was no where I was able to practice my martial arts and soon I would probably forget parts of it. I hadn’t practiced much over the holidays so I was probably quite sloppy.

I looked at my timetable, maths first. The teacher who taught the subject was old and losing her hearing so the class could talk pretty much whenever they wanted. Which was bad for me. Nobody talked to me, bullied, yes, but not talked for a friendly chat. I walked into the class and sat down in the corner, at the back. The teacher walked in, saying good morning to us and started handing out some worksheets. Then she sat down at her desk with a book and a cup of coffee.

Everyone started talking the second she sat down while I just did the worksheet. A girl leant over to my desk and said loud enough for most of the people around to hear.

“So, Lacy, still not got a friend, I would let you in my group but… I can’t.”

Her whole group of friends around her burst into laughter. I looked at the girl speaking; I think her name was Tina or something, then at her friends.

“You guys have a weird sense of humour, laughing at something that’s not funny just coz it’s the coolest girl in the school,” I raised my eyebrows.

“You’re not cool,” one of Tina’s friends smirked.

I looked at Tina again, “Well if I’m not cool, then I don’t know who is. At least I’m not one of those stuck up little cheerleaders,” then I widened my eyes, “oh I’m so sorry, I see you are one of those stuck up little cheerleaders.”

Tina went red then brought her fist up to my face. I caught it with one hand but wasn’t paying much attention to her other fist, which hit me in the forehead. My immediate reaction was to shy away or fight back. So of course I smacked her in the cheek so hard she fell off her chair and started crying. It seemed that I was the only one laughing until I fell off my chair, myself. The entire class was silent as I heard a chair scraping.

It was the teacher. Her face was furious as she screamed at us to go to the principal’s office. I tried reasoning with her but just screamed at us more. I sighed, stood up, dusted myself and strode out of the door with my chin held high. Tina followed my, wiping the tears, trying to regain her dignity. As soon as the door shut, Tina glared at me with so much venom, I flinched.

“You’re going to be dead by tomorrow,” she hissed, voice like ice.

“Yeah, whatever,” I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll get my boyfriend onto you,” she said with more anger.

“Yeah, whatever,” I rolled my eyes.

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