Chapter 3

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It had been a few days since he had seen his daughter, and he was beginning to question whether it had really happened or if that had been just a figment of his imagination. However, at the moment he had very little time to contemplate whether it was real or not. He had been summoned into the kitsune territory further west. They had sent word to them about an offer the clan leader had for them concerning trade.

'You have to go, if they are voluntarily reaching out to make an offer of trade than you should take it. After all they were friends of your parents. Maybe they're taking pity on you.' Peter had said after he had read the long letter the Yukimura Clan had sent. Derek had to admit the offer was tempting but he still had to ask, Why?

He had nothing to trade. His pack was barely making it through with the little their crops brought up and little game there was left in their territory.

That was how Scott and him had ended up in the kitsunes territories. Both he and Scott where being carefully escorted inside the Japanese estate of the Yukimura Clan. The estate was traditional just like the village homes, but the estate had it's own personal touch and built far larger than anything else. "Wow..." He heard Scott let out as he eyed the place in awe. The inside was a mixture of shoji doors, marble walls, and tile floors. Compared to the Hale estate, the Yukimura estate had a peaceful and calming aura to it, but even so, Derek knew better than to let his guard down in unknown territory.

When they turned yet another corridor they soon found themselves coming to a halt in front of twin maple wooden doors, perhaps the only doors made of wood he had seen since they arrived. The two guards leading them took a stance on either side of the door as they pushed the large things open to let the alpha and Scott inside. "Ah, glad you two have made it safe." Lord Ken Yukimura, head of the Yukimura Clan, said as he raised a cup to his lips. "Come in and have a seat," He continued only after having his sip at the steaming drink.

From where they stood both werewolves could smell the herbs inside the cup in the Yukimura's hand. Scott turned his head to give Derek a wary look before letting the alpha lead. It wasn't the Clan members or the number of guards he could sense guarding the place that made Scott feel uneasy. It was the fact that Peter had tried to teach him etiquette for when he was within the Yukimura estate, since it was a formal business meeting and no matter what creature you where you had to behave under proper etiquette in front of other Clans/Packs, or else it would make the alpha look weak and incapable.

Derek practically hearing Scott's silent plea just began to take the lead from there. He was the first to walk up towards the obvious offered seats, knowing Scott would follow behind him. From the little Derek knew about the head of the Yukimura clan was that, he had no sons, only a daughter. Which explained their absence, but besides him on his right side where two other men who were unknown to him and an empty seat to Derek's left.

The room fell into a silent, the only thing that was heard was the sounds of fresh tea being poured in the cups of the men sitting across from them. It wasn't until a large parchment paper was set on the table that Yukimura spoke up, "We've read over terms of the trade you wish to do with our clan, and we've agreed to them. However, we have added one more thing to it. Besides providing your aid and soldiers to Yukimura territory we would like to have passage through Beacon Territory whenever we please without there being problems between our people. I understand Beacon Territory has large grounds perfect for Kistunes to use as training grounds and hunting." Even though he was listening to what the Clan leader was saying, he couldn't bring himself to furrow his brows at what was staring back at him.

There perfectly placed in the official wax stamp on the bottom right corner was the Hale seal. Which was completely impossible since the seal was the cylinder container of his mother's claws and that had been lost to them years ago.

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