"What if I stepped out in front of that train right now?"

"OLIVIA DON'T YOU DARE!" My curly haired friend pulled me away from the tracks, her arms immediately around my waist in case I did anything.
"I wasn't going to I just wondered!"
As the train pulled into the station groups of people rushed into the train to get the best seats whilst others jumped out and left the station looking tired after their long journey. As we sat down my mind couldn't help but wonder as I watched all of the people around me inside the train.
"But if you think about it Lulu, if I had done that just now then everyone would be in a whole other type of situation right now. Don't you think that's crazy? How a person's day could suddenly be turned upside down in a second by someone else's actions?"
"No Livy I don't, because I don't go thinking crazy thoughts about jumping in front of trains all day" she sighed looking over at me.
"Don't do anything stupid one day just because of some 'what if' idea in your head okay? Because I would be so damn mad at you and would have to come haunt you as a ghost"
Chuckling I replied "yeah yeah I know, I wouldn't really do it but I just can't help but wonder you know?"

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