Chapter One

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Hiya Readers!!!

Thank you so much for all your love for PACK! Here is book Two: SHIFT!!

I don't know how often I'll be able to post as I'm working on a few different self-published projects and I'm not the fastest writer, but I will do my best to work away at it to get it out there to you!

Thank you again for all the likes, follows and comments xx


"Come on, Avery. Concentrate. I said, one, two, hook."

I shook my arms out and raised them back up. Jace and I had been training for hours. I was hungry, cranky and my face hurt from where he kept hitting me. So far, I'd managed to get one good hit on him, even brought him to his knees, but he wouldn't let our training session end on a high note. He insisted we continue until the point of exhaustion. "I'm tired. I need a break."

"Do you think King Stephen is going to let you take five?" Jace demanded, crossing his arms over his muscled chest.

I cast a sidelong glance at Christian who sat across the room on the bench, reading. He glanced up from his e-reader to purse his lips and arch an eyebrow in agreement.

I hated when my bodyguards were right. "Fine." I started bouncing around on the pads of my feet, just as Jace had taught me.

It had been three months since I'd escaped King Stephen's territory. Three months, and I still hadn't shifted to wolf. My birthday had come and gone, but still I hadn't experienced the change. I wasn't sure whether to feel relieved, or terrified. My pack, King Stephen's son, Christian and me, had tried to make our territory in Colorado feel like home, but it really just felt like a place to wait in the interim. That was why Jace was teaching me how to fight, because one day soon, I would have to defend my life.

Jace grabbed my hand, and tugged me to him, causing me to collide with his chest. "Alright." Bringing my wrist to his nose, he inhaled deeply as he slowly undid my wrist wrap. "Maybe we should stop. Your scent is . . . distracting." His voice sounded strained. He tugged the wrap off and quickly stepped back. "We have to go the Farmer's Market soon anyway." He gave me a smile, but I noticed he was now breathing through his mouth.

"You okay?"

He nodded. "You did well today."

"You're a horrible liar." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my towel and started wiping the sweat off my face and neck.

"Well, at least you didn't fall down this time." He grinned, running a hand across his shaved head.

"Yes, it's no wonder Stephen beat the crap out of me last time, I have zero coordination and my only reflex is to run."

"Avery, sometimes running is the answer."

"Werewolves don't run away, Jace."

"That's why we're training. You'll get better. You'll learn to anticipate your opponent's moves and counter them." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, squeezing me against him. He inhaled again and his hand tightened.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, you're just so sweaty. Your scent is overwhelming." He led me out of the training room.

Great, that must have been Jace trying politely to tell me that I stink.

Christian closed the heavy cabin door of the gym as he followed us out. We headed across the grass, Jace keeping his arm around me as we walked toward the large wooden cabin that the pack called our den.

In the three months since we'd moved onto the territory that Logan had given me, my pack had built one large cabin for the pack to sleep in, a smaller training cabin, a kill hut, a garage, and a separate cabin that sat farther away from the others for Christian.

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