004 : visiting hours

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Kihyun POV
I don't think I have ever been more excited in my 19 years of living. We were actually going to an orphanage for the first time. I couldn't contain myself in the car and was overwhelmed with excitement and could barely stop moving the whole car ride, that's probably why he didn't let me drive.

I can't wait, its literally like I'm getting closer and closer to my dream. Our Dream. And its amazing and I can't believe it was actually happening.


As we got closer, all the sudden a wave of nervousness and anxiety washed over me and I just froze and sat still the rest of the way.

"Kihyun, Honey are you okay?" Hyunwoo asked "Y-Yes, I'm fine." I replied.

I was nervous. What if the kids don't like me or doesn't take a liking to us? That would crush us...


While I was caught in my thoughts, we arrived at the orphanage.

"We're here." Hyunwoo said "You ready?" He asked "As ready as I'll ever be." I said with a smile.


We entered the orphanage and saw kid playing and enjoying themselves which warmed my little heart to the fullest.

"Hello, I'm Ms.Kim, How may I help you?" A woman asked us "We are looking to adopt." Shownu said "Okay, please follow me." She said leading us to an office.


"Okay first things first, what's your name?" "I'm Kihyun and this is Hyunwoo." "How old are you two?" She asked "I'm 19, he's 20." I replied "You two are pretty young." She said "What makes you two want to adopt at such a young age." She asked "We don't really have a reason we just have always wanted a child but being a male couple you can see the problem in having our own so this is our next best option." I said.

She looked at us for a moment. "You two do understand having a child is a huge responsibility... Correct?" She questioned "Yes ma'am, we do." I replied "Well, its nice to see a young couple such as you wanting to take that responsibility." She said with a smile

"Please follow me."


She lead us to the main room, filled with kids running around and playing. They were so happy and just enjoying themselves.

As we watched, a little boy came running towards me but wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran right into me. Sending us both to the floor.

"Changkyuniee?!" A boy yelled "Changkyun are you okay!?" another asked "Kyunnie?!" ANOTHER exclaimed "Kyun are you okay?"
A N O T H E R asked "Changkyun, you need to watch where you're going." Ms.Kim said "No, it's fine. Are you okay?" I asked the boy "Yes but I think I got a boo-boo on my knee." He whined "Let me see." I said as he rolled his pants leg up and I saw a bruise forming on his knee. "Aw, you poor thing. Ms.Kim can you get him a bandage if you have one." I asked and she quickly went to get it.

Then boy the tapped me on the shoulder. "Yes?" "What's your name?" He asked, he was no older then 4, maybe 5 at the least. "I'm Kihyun, and this is Hyunwoo. He is a really close friend of mine." I didn't want to flat out say Boyfriend cause I didn't know how he would react.

"I'm Changkyun, That's Hoseok, Hyungwon, Minhyunk, and Jooheon. My big brother's." He said with a smile... He was so adorable.

I turned around and saw Ms.Kim standing there with her jaw hanging to the floor basically.

"What's wrong?" I questioned "They have never been like this towards any visitors. The usually just stay to themselves and avoid them at all cost. I've never seen the act like this." She was visibly shocked.

Then I felt someone pulling on the sleeve of my sweater. I looked down and saw the boy that Changkyun pointed out to be Minhyuk looking back up at me.

"Hello." I said with a smile "Your hair is pretty." He said as he pointed at my brownish, orange hair. "Aw, thank you cutie." I said cause he was really cute "You want to come play with us?" the boy by the name of Hoseok if I am remembering correctly asked me "Sure, can my friend come too?" "Sure, come on!" Hoseok exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and Minhyuk grabbed Shownu's, pulling us in an unknown direction.


For about 2 hours we just sat down in played with them. We played with race cars, acted as cops and robber's even gave them each piggy back rides every now and again.

In the middle of our fun Ms.Kim came over and told us visiting hours were over and they needed some rest and to eat.

"Aw, Ms.Kim can they please stay and play with us a little longer." Jooheon begged "I'm sorry Joohoney but they have to go now." Ms.Kim said and their faces immediately dropped "Hey, we'll be back tomorrow." Hyunwoo said "Really?!" Me and the kids said in unison  "Yes, we will don't be sad." He said with a smile. "Okay boys, say bye to Kihyun and Shownu." "Bye guys." We said "Bye!" The exclaimed waving at us.


As we sat in the car I couldn't stop thinking of them. They were so adorable and cute. So full of life and joy. Just adorable.

"They were so cute." Hyunwoo said "They were. I love them already."  I said "Me too. They are adorable." I added


I made a new theme, and I'm working on a new story, it's called "Best friends" an exo and monsta x with chanbaek and hyungwonho... Would y'all read that? If so, I will start working on it tonight but thank you all for reading and for this long awaited update.

 Would y'all read that? If so, I will start working on it tonight but thank you all for reading and for this long awaited update

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