Choir Buddies

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I just couldn't get that boy I saw out of my head. I couldn't concentrate. If I thought of something he would pop up. I can't explain why... It just happened. I don't know what I'm feeling... I can't be in love with him. I just met him. And I don't believe in love at first sight. It's not a thing. You're basically falling in love with someone for their looks. Not for who they are. That shows how shallow you really are.

It was finally the last period of the day. Choir. Choir is the one class where I can be myself. Where I can feel free. I walked in and saw him. The boy that has been on my mind throughout the whole day. He was in choir too.

I walked over to my seat and sat down, I looked over to my left to be met with coca brown eyes starring at me. The burnet was starring at me.... I quickly looked down at my notebook. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw him blush and look forward towards the teacher. His blush is soooo cuteeee. I might die?

"Okay class! Here's your assignment for the week! I will assign you a partner and you two have to write a song that represents y'all together." I hated working with other people. I usually get stuck doing all of the work. He started calling out names "Scott Hoying" I looked up "and Mitch Grassi will be partners." who is Mitch Grassi? I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to my left. Sure enough it was the cute brunette boy. "H-hi. I'm Mitch" he said and looked down. No way. The lil brunette boy was going to be my partner!? This day just got better. "I'm Scott! Nice to meet you" I smiled. "I know you're Scott" he blushed. I tilted my head. "How?" I asked. "I overheard a bunch of girls talking about you. And instead of staring at you in homeroom I listened to the teacher calling the roll" he smirked. I blushed and looked down. "Oops?" he giggled and looked at me.

We walked out of the class together. "So... When would you like to start working on the assignment?" I looked over at him. "Tomorrow?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. "My house or yours?" I asked. "Yours." he quickly replied. "Okay!" I smiled and walked out of the school. "See you tomorrow" he said and waved. I waved back and started walking home.

I smiled widely thinking about Scott. I still couldn't believe I was his partner!! I realized I was walking behind him. Why is he heading the same way I am? I wondered. That's when he turned around. "Are you following me?" he tilted his head to the side. I shook my head. "I-I live in that h-house..." I pointed to a house. He looked back at it then looked back at me. "Your family is really loud" oh God... He's heard the banging. What do I say!? "Ummm.. Yeah! They're really loud" I laughed nervously. He nodded.

We said our goodbyes again and walked our separate ways. I walked in and was met with my father. Here we go again...

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