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A/N: Sorry that this is such a short chapter!! I just got a new computer and I'm still getting used to it. Anyways. Like it says in our bio, we'll be updating every Tuesday and Friday!! (or whenever we feel like it lol). Oh!! And thank you guys sooooo much for the love on this!! It means so much to us!! We love y'all so much!! Enjoy this chapter!!

   I woke up a few laters on the floor with blood surrounding me. Damn... how hard did he beat me. I looked to the side to see that the blood that I was surrounded in... was my father's. I gasped and sat up, wincing a bit due to the beating he gave me.  I looked around the room and saw my mom sitting in the corner, curled up, and shaking. I saw she was looking in front of her so I did as well... and what I saw was... horrifying and disturbing.

  "M-mom..?" I slowly got up. "I had to...I had to...I had to..." she repeated over and over again. "Mom... what happened..?'' her response? The same thing, "I had to...I had to...I had to..." I stood there for a while until she started having a full on panic attack. She started shaking and her breaths quickened. I quickly pulled out my bloody phone and called 911.

   I looked up from my homework to see red and blue lights flashing. The flashes and sirens started getting more visible and louder. What the hell is going on!? I though to myself. I heard my parents talking downstairs. "The poor boy" I heard my mom say. "I know, right? I feel so bad for him. His whole family is abusive so there's no way they're gonna send him to  another family member." What were they talking about..? What boy? The only boy that lives in this neighborhood is me and.... Oh God... Mitch... No.... it can't be.  I quickly texted Kirstie sense she was his neighbor.


Scott: Kirstie!!

Kit: Scott, you need to get down here. NOW!!!

Scott: Kit, what's going on!? There's police cars everywhere

Kit: The neighbors? Yeah. They've been abusing their own fucking child!!! Ugh!! I'm so pissed rn

Scott: Oh God...

Kit: Ikr

Scott: No. The neighbor's son is my partner for an assignment in choir

Kit: Oh my God Scott!!! You're more worried about a fucking assignment!? That's so fucking selfish Scott!!

Scott: Calm the hell down!!! I didn't mean it like that!!! He's the boy who I've been talking about the whole day!!!

Kit: Oh... sorry..

Scott: I'm omw

Kit: kk

Scott: potassium potassium

Kit: ......

Scott: .....

Kit: There's no time for nerdy jokes!! Hurry up!!

Scott: Okay Okay geez

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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