Expo 2

207 21 25

Fwend time

Fwend pet goat and sheep!

(Because originally, the expo was a farmer stuff exposition, but it became more of an amusement event now!)

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(Because originally, the expo was a farmer stuff exposition, but it became more of an amusement event now!)

Snek fwend also goat fwend

Snek fwend also goat fwend

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That goat ass

That goat ass

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Snekgoat fwend got sweg

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Snekgoat fwend got sweg

Yes that llama is mah fwend

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Yes that llama is mah fwend

Yes that llama is mah fwend

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My new son puchama

My new son puchama

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Happy berd

Angry berd

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Angry berd


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And retarded patrol XD

And retarded patrol XD

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