Chapter 11

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Smiling, I pulled the phone away from my ear. Sam was shouting. "Thanks, Sammy." I threw back the sheets of my bed, my feet hitting the hardwood floor. "How do you even know my birthday?"

"I've done my research, Jefferson. Are you getting out of bed?"

I headed for my bathroom, shoving a toothbrush in my mouth before answering. "Yes."

"Ok, are you going downstairs?"

Laughing slightly, I rinsed out the sink and headed back through my bedroom and into the hallway. "Yes, I'm going downstairs. What, do I need to give you a play-by-play of my life now? Do you really miss me that much?"

Taking the stairs two at a time, I smiled as he replied, his voice now quieter. "Yeah. I do miss you that much."

I paused at the end of the stairs, leaning against the wall. "When can I see you, Sam?"

He snorted. And then I heard footsteps. And then I heard his voice, and it wasn't over the phone.

"How about now?"

And there he was. On my birthday. Standing in front of me. In my house. Wearing one of my t-shirts. There he was.

In seconds we were hugging tightly, his fingers digging into the bare skin of my back as he pulled me as close as he could to his chest. "You're here," I said, my voice barely strong enough to be heard. "You're really here."

He pulled away from me just enough to see my face. "Yeah. I'm here." I buried myself in his chest again.

His lips pressed against my hair. "Happy birthday, Jefferson."

Footsteps pounded on the stairs behind us. Reluctantly, I let go of Sam as I heard my sister shriek. "He's heeeeeerrrrre!" Pushing me out of the way, Sarah barreled towards Sam, enveloping him in a bear hug. He kissed her forehead for a few seconds longer than I would have liked.

"Hi, love. Thanks for your help with this."

I turned towards my sister. "You knew he was coming? And you didn't tell me?"

"It was a surprise for you, dipwad," she gracefully placed her hand on her hip. "I wasn't going to write it on the Jefferson Family calendar." She glanced between the two of us. "And don't worry Taite," her eyes had landed on me. "Sam planned this visit before all the phone sex happened, so he's not just here to pop your cherry. Although, I do hope that's on the itinerary."

"Sarah!" Everything in me wanted to explode. The triumphant look on her face wasn't doing anything good for the situation, either. Neither were Sam and his firetruck fucking red cheeks. "I can't even count the lines you just crossed."

She raised her eyes at me but then turned to Sam. He was clearly still recovering from the statement, his hand covering his lips as he stared at her in horror. "If you could believe it, Sam, this is the nicest Taite has been to me since you've left. He keeps cursing and yelling at everyone like some caged up baboon. Mom says it's stress, but I know what's happening here." She paused to smirk. "It's all his pent up sexual frustration. He's been on a 19-year—pardon me, 20-year long dry spell and it's time someone comes to... water the plants if you catch my drift."

"I'm counting to three and if you're not gone, I swear to god I won't regret what comes next."

Laughing like a hyena, she took off down the hall towards the kitchen before I even started counting. She poked her head back towards us just as I let out a sigh. "Hey, Sam! He installed a lock on his bedroom door yesterday! You know what that means!"

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