Chapter 21

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The first time someone recognized me for being someone other than normal, everyday Taite Jefferson, I was in History class. The girl who had sat next to me that day was staring at me. Like full on staring. She was a breath and a half away from my face, her eyes locked on me as I sat completely still, facing the professor who was busy queuing up his PowerPoint for the lesson. I turned towards her slowly, our eyes meeting almost instantly. She wasn't embarrassed that I had caught her staring, in fact, the corner of her lips turned upwards in what looked like triumph.

"I knew you looked familiar."

At this point, no one had ever recognized me as the boy Sam Ford had been seen with the past few months. I frowned at her.

"Uh, I do?" She nodded at me, pushing her bright red glasses up on her nose. She didn't offer me much more than that, so I continued. "I mean, my dad is the governor of Virginia... Do you, uh, follow state politics?"

She snorted, but to be fair, my response was a little... far-fetched. No one living outside of our state even knows who the governor of Virginia is, let alone able to recognize the face of the man's son. "No, I don't follow state politics. And weird brag about your dad. But I'll let it go."

I felt my fingers curl at my sides. "I wasn't trying to brag—"

She silenced me with her hand. "Whatever. Just tell me about Sam Ford," a lopsided, gap-toothed smile appeared on her face. "I know you're involved with him."

The fingers-curling-into-fists feeling from earlier was back tenfold. I wanted to scream. I wanted to fucking yell. I composed myself enough to speak normally through my gritted teeth. "And why would you think that?"

She rolled her eyes like my breath was wasting her time. "You're all over his social media. And there are pictures of you two in every magazine and DailyMail snapchat story."

I didn't even bother asking her what the hell a DailyMail snapchat story was. "Yeah, because we're family friends."

She cocked one eyebrow at me. "Just friends?"

"Don't you think you'd know if Sam Ford was gay? Being the apparent super fan you are?" What I really wanted to say was, stick your nose in someone else's personal life next class, would you?

"There have been rumors swirling for years," she retorted immediately, twirling a gel pen between her fingers. "Plus, the photos, his posts... It all just screams faggotry."

"Jesus Christ!" Now, I was just plain offended. My voice intensified. "What the hell? Do you hear yourself?"

Our professor cleared his throat quite loudly, the sound bouncing off the walls of the small classroom. I glanced around the room. Dozens of eyes were staring at us, making a red blush creep up my neck. I hated being the center of attention. But of course, this girl kept going.

"I'm bisexual I can say what I want." She had lowered her voice generously, but the tone she used still ate at my insides. I kept my eyes focused straight ahead, not giving her the satisfaction of my response. But clearly there was something very, very wrong with her because a few seconds later she leaned in so close to my ear that her lips brushed against my skin. "Later, you'll have to tell me how he is in bed."

Something in me snapped. I got up from my seat, packed up my things, and ignored the professor's questioning glare and his pause in the lecture, and left the classroom, the door slamming behind me. Before I stormed off down the hallway, I allowed a glance back in through the glass window that allowed a look into the room. The girl with those stupid red glasses was smiling victoriously.

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