Chapter Two ~ The Years and The Endangerment

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Five years into the future and Kinoko stands by the bed of her father's and holds his hand as he takes his last breath. Samlis crouched beside her sobbing into her father's bed. Kinoko she'd no tears and knew she had to stay strong for Samlis and Tresio. Not even a year before they had to bury their mother and now, their father. It was Kinoko's era to rule now. She crouched down by Samlis and prays to their God for their parents to be happy together for all of eternity.

Tresio stands listening, mouthing the prayer in their native tongue just outside the door. He understood that his grandfather was passed and now with his grandmother. He just didn't want to see the body. Tresio was five years old now and had started training with his Aunt Kinoko. She taught him how to be deadly silent and how to blend in with his surroundings. He knew how to shoot a bow and wield a sword though weapons were not his strong suit. Kinoko told him that he just needed to get bigger and it will be easier and more accurate. Tresio didn't mind training with Kinoko and actually found it fun as well as educational. He watched as the door swung open and Kinoko emerges. She looks at the young boy and gives a small yet sad smile and walks off in the opposite direction, black cloak swaying around her body as she speed walked away.

Unlike his mother, Tresio didn't look like a merelfaid at all, he looked very similar to an actual elf as his father was an elf. His hair had grown down to his middle back by now and his mother braided his blonde hair. He had striking yellow eyes just like his grandfatherand aunt and a pale colour in his skin. Tresio wore a cream coloured tunic with muddy brown pants that stopped above the ankles with no shoes. If no prior knowledge, one would think he was Kinoko's child.

Tresio decided to follow his aunt and his bare feet made no effort to keep quiet while running. He wasn't sure where he was but he was following by ear. Soon he found her in a older part of the castle, he hadn't been before. She stood in a older library or study. She walked slowly by a book shelf while gently running her fingers on the spines of the books. She sang a elven lullaby her mother once sang to her. Tears streamed down her pale skin. Tresio knew the song well as Kinoko and Samlis both sang it to him. He watched as she stopped in front of a big leather chair in front of a fireplace. She ran her fingers across the back and gently sat down. She wiped her eyes dry and took a deep breath in. “What would you like, Tresio?” She spoke softly while staring at a flameless fire. “I wanted to make sure you were okay..I was worried..” He walks in slowly. “You understand death, so I'm sure you know that I am in fact not okay.. but thank you for thinking about me..are you okay?” Kinoko looks at little Tresio and pets his head. “I'm okay.. I think mum is taking it really badly..” He nuzzles into her hand slightly. “Expected… I suppose we should go and get her out so they can start preparing grandfather's burial..” She stands and walks out with Tresio following close by.  When they near, Kinoko hears screaming and unnatural sounds and rushed into the room where Samlis was mourning. She was too late. She comes face to face with Samlis with a arrow through the heart and her murderer slitting her throat all over Kinoko. Samlis’s lifeless body falls in front of her and she looks up quickly to see the murderer grabbing another arrow to shoot. Adrenaline kicks in and Kinoko grabs the arrow and breaks the intruder’s limbs only to look at the window to have more enter. Kinoko races to get out and sees Tresio crying while kneeled down his mother's blood. “No.. Tresio..” Kinoko runs to him and picks up the screaming boy and looks down the hallway to see corpses of servants and guards with more assassins running towards her. The opposite hallway bared no better. Without a second thought she leaps through the balcony opening and shields Tresio with her body from any arrows  that are flying. She sounds the alarm for her people to evacuate and make a run for the forest. Snow pelting down on her and Tresio she goes to the most unlikely direction and yet they're still hot on her trail. Tears falling down her face, mixing with her sisters blood and freezing to her face. She didn't have time to grab a weapon let alone appropriate clothing.

Kinoko has no idea where she's going or what's going on but she's afraid for the first time in a long time. She's in the forbidden forest. Running for two lives. They start using unfamiliar magic curses and special arrows to kill her. To kill Tresio. Kinoko looks down at Tresio crying and slipped, falling down a frozen canyon. Kinoko sees an opportunity to escape and lands first, using her sister's blood to fake it as her own. Tresio caught on quickly and did the same. As the assassins neared they looked at Kinoko and Tresio and laugh. “That was easier than the pretty girl!” One says as they walk off. About half an hour later Kinoko stands and takes Tresio into her arms. “I am so so sorry… I wish you didn't see that.. I'm so sorry..” Kinoko sobs and looks around for shelter. Tresio hugs his aunt and falls asleep in her arms, muttering a 'i love you’ in their native tongue. Kinoko starts the trek into the forest, deeper. Surely they'll be back soon to collect the “bodies”.

“I love you, nephew..” Kinoko whispers in their native tongue.

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