Chapter Three ~ Motherly Insticts

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Kinoko was exhausted, she was searching for hours. She had to avenge her sister. Her servants. Her people. They didn't deserve this. Out of all the other people she'd ever met, her people were the nicest people yet. They were just trying to survive, they hadn't need to see bloodshed and have their own spilt. Kinoko felt empty. Empty and driven. Her biological mother, father, step mother, and half sister, all killed. Tresio was her only family member still alive. She looks down at his sleeping and bloodied form. She swore to protect him with her life and beyond. She wasn't going to loose him as well. Kinoko looked around and shivered and watched in amazement as the seasons changed in front of her own eyes. She listened to the forest and could hear the plants whispering to each other.

“The Whispering Woods…only those with good intentions and warm hearts will survive..” she smiles and walks to a river. She gently touches a tree and sits at it's base. She watches Tresio stir and wake with a yawn. “Good morning, Little Leaf..” Kinoko smiles at him softly. “Good morning, Aunt..” he rubs his eyes and stretches. “Where are we?” He looks at the warm sun beaming on his pale face. “ The Whispering Woods, now let's get you washed up..” Kinoko stands and leads Tresio to the river. She helps him to undress an helps rinse off and clean up. She had studied with one of the castles healers and knew some natural ways to create a cleaner like shampoo. She scrubs his head gently and hums a elven lullaby. “Aunt Kinoko? Why do we use elven lullaby's? And not speak our native tongue aloud?” Kinoko starts rinsing his head. “ Well you see, we are two thirds elf, your half grandmother was a pure elf, my mother. Your full grandmother  was just like grandfather, but she loved elven lullabys and sang them to your mother. Your father was a pure elf. We are the same like that.. my mother was pure elf and so was your father….and we don't use native tongue anymore because of grandfather.. he could never learn it so he outlawed it.. but if you want, we can use it now..?” Kinoko helps Tresio out and covers his body with her cape to dry off. She then goes to wash his clothes. “ Yes please..” Tresio uses their language and smiles at Kinoko. “Alright, but we should only use it if it's an emergency, like we're in danger, okay?” She hangs the clothes to dry and asks the forest to help which it happily complies  with both clothes and Tresio's hair. Tresio agrees and Kinoko sets to work, braiding the small hybrid's hair. Soon after repeateping the washing process for herself.

After resting their bodies, they decide to try and escape the forest. Kinoko had modified their clothing to appear as if they were just an elven adventurer and her son. That was what they were to tell anyone whom asked. Afraid that someone would try and kill them after noticing the jewels and fancy clothes. Soon they reach a clearing  and a village seems to be built  around a huge castle. Not sure what race they would encounter they stay close and alert. Unfortunately this caused attention to be on them. Some poor children ran up to her and asked for food or change and she smiled at them. She knelt down and ruffled their dirt caked hair. “Hello boys, here, go cash this in..” she says as she drops a jewel created gold bracelet into ones hand. Tresio looks up at Kinoko in admiration and amazement. Kinoko stands and walks with Tresio close by her side as many villagers surround the boys to see what the strangers so willingly gave. “You gave that up so easily! Why?” Tresio asks. “You will learn that one day, not all of us are born into Fortune, not all of us are treated equally, and not all of us live an alright life. Good karma will come back and benefit you as an endless cycle. I hope that, if those boys do come into alright times that they remember this and do something about or for someone of a lesser status or in need. It is not about who has the most wealth, it's about your character and how you show that.” Tresio looks up at Kinoko with determination. “I'm going to be just like you! I'm going to have good karma and a good character!” He points his fist into the air dramatically. Kinoko chuckles and pats his head. “I will make sure of that, Little Leaf.” A very tall man clad in green silver armour, he was armed with both sword and bow. He looked menacing as he turned Kinoko around by the shoulder. “Did you give this bracelet to some peasent boys?” His voice booms over the village. “Yes, is there an issue?” Kinoko asks and puts Tresio behind her. “Yes, this is a high elf bracelet, I'm going to have to take you in for suspicion of theft..” as he tries to grab Kinoko, she jumps out of the way, grabbing the samller boy behind her. “Do NOT touch me. I did nothing was mine to give..” shocked, he and his colleagues start chasing the two. Kinoko uses the freedom of their clothing to run faster and she rounds a corner, only to find a dead end. “nagai!” She spits a curse out in her native tongue at the guards turns around and sees them.  Suddenly a middle class elf runs past the guards and towards us. “Ah! There you two are! Why are you running away?” Kinoko looks at the male and holds Tresio closer to her instinctively. “Lord Hialas..! Do you know these thieves? You shouldn't associate with such low class..” the same guard who tried to grab Kinoko spoke. “Yes, they're my childhood friend And her babe, I'm sure they're no thief. Why what did they supposedly steal?” The high elf spoke while looking at the guards. “A high elf bracelet..” he shows Hialas and watches him chuckle. “It was a petty gift from me, if she wants to rid herself of it, it is not of my or your business..I'm sure they're more important things to be doing..” he gives Kinoko the bracelet back. “Alright, pardon my comments, take care of her..” Kinoko watches them leave. “Why would you do that? Who are you?” She asks rather dumbfounded. “Simple. Clearly you aren't a lower class to be giving away such a valuable item, you were showing kindness and compassion to people you don't know. Even an idiot can appreciate it. It doesn't happen often around here. Second, you are outsiders and I'm curious. Third, there's no way I'm going to let a mother and babe get separated because of lack of knowledge.” He says and looks at Tresio. “Thank you, sir..” she bows slightly. “No need, and call me Hialas, what is your name?” He takes the bracelet and examines it. “Kinoko, and this is Tresio.” He looks at the bracelet, wide eyed. “Kinoko..why do you have the princesses bracelet?” He whispers. “Princess Tonyal? She was my mother..” Hialas looks at them and pulls them to the upper class villages.

“Hey! Let me go!” She says and tries to pull away. “ I'm sorry, but if princess Tonyal is your mother, I must take you in..” Kinoko gives in and allows Hialas to take care of them.

The day after, given new clothes and food, they went to the castle. Tresio held Kinoko's hand tightly, scared and confused. He stayed close as they walked through the corridor to the throne room. Grand doors open to reveal a beautifully designed room filled with intricate patterns. “What do you want now, Hialas? Why do you bring a mother and child? A calm king asks as they all walk forward. “I apologise for disturbing you, my Liege but I believe that this woman is princess Tonyal’s daughter..” he bows and the king stands, walking to Kinoko and Tresio. “What evidence do you have as proof?” he looks at Tresio, hiding behind Kinoko. “ Her bracelet.. I recognize it as Tonyal's..” Hialas watches the king observe the boy. The king takes her wrist and instantly recognizes the bracelet. He looks Kinoko in the eyes. The Queen steps down to follow. “Oh my, Thrandris.. her aura is very similar to Tonyal's.. her eyes..” the queen gently puts her hands on Kinoko's face. “She is just like her mother..” her pale glossy eyes tear up. “So it's true? Our daughter had one of her own? My my..” the king smiles. “How can you tell that?” Kinoko questions. “Oh sweetie, I am a seer.. I see past and future events.. and you are our granddaughter..” she releases Kinoko and looks at Tresio. “And a great grandson?” Thandris asks his wife. Kinoko looks at her sadly which she seems to understand. “ No.., little Tresio.. is her nephew, your sister was murdered..?” she frowns. “Yes.. and we are on our way away from the rogues..” the older elves frowned. “Why did my daughter run away? Who is your father?” Thandris asks desperately. “I don't know why she did, but she married to the king of the merelfaids… she was killed by a group of rogues… I was only 8 when she passed.. my father just passed away from a unique poison..”  Kinoko says quietly. “ Well, you are more than welcome to stay as long as you wish..” the queen releases Kinoko's face. “I'm going to avenge my family. I don't believe that any of their deaths were actually accidents.. I appreciate your hospitality but I have no intention of staying here and looking pretty while the murderers run free and unpunished. They killed my family and my friends, you can't expect me to let my people be thoughtlessly murdered. I am currently the Queen of the Merelfaid people and I will not stand for such racism and hateful crimes!” She slightly raises her voice. “I just got some of my daughter back, you cannot go and risk your life chasing after a hopeless battle. Rogues are just senseless beings, no use in chasing them. You shouldn't endanger yourself.” The king says demandingly. “Your magesty, I will help her and guard her with my life..” Hialas speaks and bows his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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