It's A Prison Cell

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                Prompt: "Well, ain't this a nice change of scenery?" "It's a prison cell."

Sign looked around angrily, the sound of the chains connected to his wrists ringing painfully in his ears. He knew his crime spree would be stopped eventually, he just hadn't realized it would be so soon.

He wasn't even sure how he was caught. It's like the cops knew he'd be there, robbing that bank.

The blonde growled as he thought about the possibility of a mole in his group. Whenever he could escape from this facility, he'd find the mole and shut him up. Forever.

He was shoved unceremoniously by a guard through the doors, passed the other inmates and towards what the guard stated was his cell.

Where Signius was expected to play nice and live with someone else.

The guard opened the cell, before pushing him in and slamming the cell door shut behind him after he took the blonde's shackles off.

Whirling around, Sign shouted out indignantly at being rough handled like that. However, the guard just snorted and walked away.

Sighing, Sign turned around to assess his surroundings. It seemed as though his cellmate wasn't there at the time. That was fine by him, it just meant he had some alone time.

Throwing himself onto the bunk that was clearly unused, the blonde closed his eyes and relaxed against the uncomfortable mattress pressing against his back.

An hour or so later, Sign was dragged out of his light sleep by the sound of the cell opening up. He sat up, looking over to the shadowy figure of what he could only assume was his cellmate.

The man walked into focus, and a grin lit up Signius' face once he realized the identity of the man he was sharing space with.

"Sin? Holy fucking shit, what the hell did you do to land yourself in this place?" He snorted, surprised that the six foot four raven could ever be caught.

Sin arched an eyebrow at seeing the blonde on the bed in front of him. "Well, ain't this a nice change of scenery?"

"It's a prison cell, Sin." Sign snorted, rolling his eyes.

"I was being sarcastic, Sig-ni-us." He sighed, drawing the blonde's name out to intentionally irritate the man.

It worked, since Sign immediately stood up and slammed the older man against the wall.

"I thought I told you, you have no right to call me that shit." He growled, narrowing his pale blue eyes as he glared at Sin.

Sin grunted, easily shifting out of the smaller man's grip. He didn't go far, however. The raven just moved enough to curl his ridiculously long arms around Sign's middle, holding the man close.

"It's been awhile since I've seen you, Slayer. No letters, no calls. Not even an email." He stated, his mismatched eyes showing something Sign had never seen before. Hurt.

Biting his lip, the blonde leaned against the larger body, closing his eyes as he thumped his head against Sin's broad, muscular chest.

"I'm sorry, Dragon. I couldn't risk contacting you after our last heist."

Sin sighed, falling silent and holding the smaller man tighter.


I didn't really  know how to further this, so here ya go lmao

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