The Open Fields

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Prompt: She closed her eyes, releasing her breathe as she used her weight to push forward.

Warnings: Suicide

Abigail parked her car slowly, taking her time in turning the engine off. She sat there, her arms crossed over the steering wheel and her head against her arms.

Abbie didn't want to do this, but she did at the same time.

The violette stepped out of the vehicle, leaving her keys and purse where they sat. She closed the car door, before she started trudging up the steep hill leading to Kirstie's Drop. A famous cliff, known for it's incredibly deep plunge into the beautiful fields of Lilith. It was named after Kirstie Reynolds' suicide thirty years prior.

It took about half an hour, but Abigail eventually made it to the flat surface of the cliff. She looked out over the town, before she sat down just before the edge.

The violette pulled out the soda can she stuffed in her pocket, along with the small package of cookies. She wanted something sweet before her end.

In a few minutes, Abbie had finished off the cookies and drained the last drop of her favorite soda. She tossed the wrapper and can over the edge.

Taking a deep breathe, Abigail shifted her body until she was sitting on the brink of the drop. Her legs dangled over the edge of the cliff. The sky was clear, helping her to see the open fields below.

She hummed a bit, kicking her legs as she gathered her courage. By now, her best friend would have seen her text. She might even be coming to get Abbie. But she wouldn't be there on time.

Abigail closed her eyes, releasing her breathe as she used her weight to push forward.

She felt her butt slide off the grassy ledge, and the rest of her body followed as she plummeted down towards the ground. 


Character(s) used: Abigail 

Owned by myself

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