The Wedding!

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I'm so sorry for the hold up everyone! I got busy and It took me a long time to finish this but here it it! The moment you all been waiting for...the wedding. I'm going to put a lemon in this one because I want too! And just because i want to. Anyway, I hope you like the story and thanks for the 300 views! And I wanted to say, some of the names in the story like Pamela,Alia, Erica, and Shyann, there my best friends and I love them dearly so this story is for you guys if your reading this! I miss you all and I can't wait until school starts. Anyway Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Today was the day. The day of my wedding. I was in a room with some servants and they were helping me into my wedding dress. It was a bit wide but it still looked cute. As soon as they were done, I looked into the mirror and saw myself. I was wearing a beautiful white dress. When I was done looking at myself, I was handed some flowers and I walked out the room. The servants led me to the room me and the other decorated. I was Boris walk toward me. "Are you ready y/n?" He asked. "Yep, I'm ready! Thanks for walking me down the lain." "No problem. Now, lets walk in. I don't want to make Bendy wait anymore." he said and the doors opened.

I held Boris's arm and we walked to Bendy. I couldn't really see because of the cloth covering my face but I could tell everyone was standing and looking at me. As we walked, I heard music playing an people whispering. I couldn't blame them, I mean it i a wedding. We came to a stop and I let go of Boris's arm, facing Bendy that was blushing. He pulled the cloth off my face and he's face was a red as mine. "You look Amazing Darlin'." He said. "You too." I said. We looked at the person that was going to say all the lines and he started to speak.

"Friends, family and loved ones. We are here on this special day to bring to two happy couples together." He said. The person who was saying the lines was Sammy. He looked a bit sad but then again, he was happy. After a while, we go to the end and I was a bit nervous. "Bendy, do you take this girl to be you lawful wedded wife?" He asked. "I do." Bendy said. I felt my heart drop from those two words. "And do you Y/n take my lord to be you lawful wedded husband?" He asked. I looked at Bendy and he looked at me. "I do." I said. After I said that Bendy looked like he was going to pass out.

"If there's any objections please say it now or forever hold your peace." No one said anything and no one rejected. "The rings please." Sammy asked and I saw one of the servants carry the rings to us. I put one ring on Bendy's finger and h did the same. "Since there's no objections I suppose this is the end. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Sammy said. Bendy placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in for the kiss. Everyone cheered and music played. We separated from our kiss and Bendy picked me up off my feet. 

"Everyone, head to the party room! It's time to celebrate!" Bendy yells and everyone walks out but me and him. "Ok Bendy, what are you planning this time?" I asked. "Nothing special. I just wanted to tell you that I love you very much and if anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll do." He said. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and looked him in the eye. "Nothing will happen because I'm with you my little devil." i said and he carried me to the party room where everyone was waiting. As we walked in Music was playing and everyone was chatting.

"Let's get this party started!" Bendy yells and the music starts playing even louder. Me and Bendy started to dance together and everyone joined in on the fun. I was having so much fun that I forgot how long I was dancing. As time went by it was time for cake and me and Bendy's 'special dance'.  Everyone walked over to a big table with a curtain over it so no one can see the cake I made, with some help of course.

"Everyone, as you may know, I had made the cake with some friends. This cake was specially made for Bendy so I created a design that he might like. I hope you all enjoy it. Oh and everything on the cake you can eat so don't think I burned the cake or anything." I said and the curtains reviled a big cake with Bendy on it. It was a 3 layer chocolate cake with white and black frosting, Dark chocolate figures and a film projector on top. And of course a big picture of Bendy's face in front that said I love you.

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