Into The Dark....

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Once me and my brother got there, I opened the door and walked in. "This place smells like-AHHH!" he screamed as we fell threw the hole. I landed on my feet safely. "i forgot about that big hole. Sorry." I said and helped him up.

"It's alright. Where are we anyway?" he asked. "We're down in the basement. Come on. This way." We then walked to the door and I opened it. We walked around until we were in the toy area. "I've only been here a couple of times and saw only a fraction of this place. How big did he build?"

"I'm guessing he went all out. Be careful around ink puddles. Ink monsters can come out since your new." I said and continued. As we kept walking around, looking for a sign. I found it. "there! there's the elevator!" I said,running to it. "You must be careful. One of the workers here left a recording saying the elevator is really unsafe." I said and closed the gate.

"Well well well...Look who came back for my dear Boris. The demon's Queen and her brother." Alice said on the speakers. "How did she find us?!" "She's always watching from a safe place. Don't fall for her tricks." I said. but as the elevator stopped, we started to fall. 

"AHHH! Y/n, what do we do?! We're going to die!!!" my brother yelled. "Jump once you hit bottom. this will save your life!" It was a message from bendy. "We need to jump once we hit bottom! Ready!?" I yelled as we were close.

"1....2...3!" I said and we jumped. the elevator crashed and we landed on our feet. "we're...we'r alive!!!" "Such a life hack. People should do that more often. Come on. We can't stay here for long. From here, I don't know what's out there." I said as he helped me out of the elevator.

"Get ready. anything could be up ahead." My brother said and we walked forwards. We took a left and saw a door. It wouldn't open. "Look. It's missing something. like a handle. Lets go look for it." i said and we split up.

It didn't take long until he found it. The room had writing on the walls. Something to do with taxes that it doesn't make sense. "This place is so weird. That's why I didn't want to come here with you and dad." "What would you think? Dad IS weird for all we know. he's the weirdest person I know. Well other than my husband."

"hey! You know I can hear you right?!" "Who said that?!" i turned to a bendy cutout and saw it move. "Don't worry. I'm using my cutouts to watch what's happening. along with my status. Now, hurry. I don't what you guys in there for long. You'll start to hallucinate soon." he said and the cutout went back to normal.

"Well that's something you don't see everyday." "Like bendy said. We can't stay here long. If we do, we'll be as crazy as Sammy." I said as we walked. As we walked, there was a statue of Bendy with black things surrounding it. there was also another sign. He will set us free. That's not creepy at all.

We then entered a library. "If bendy would've showed me this when I was with him down here, I would've loved him more." I said, crossing my arms."I can still here you!" A bendy cutout said. "I know you do honey. Now how do we continue from here?" I asked.

"there are some books around here. push them in place and a light from the that door will show. Find all five books and the door will open." he said and the cutout turned back to normal. "Look I found one right here." i said, pushing it in. "Start looking around." I said and we looked.

"Sis why do we have to solve puzzles to move ahead?" My brother asked as he pushed in another book. "They want us to do these puzzles so we can be in here longer. But that's just what I think. Who knows why." I said and pushed in another. i then screamed as I started to hallucinate.

Things were moving on it's own as the room started to shake. "Y/n! Calm down!" he said. It then stopped and I looked at him. "We need to get Boris out of here fast." i said and pushed in the last book. We then opened the doors and started to go up the ramp.

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