Chapter 2: Coping

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Bob sat in his new house and cried. Then, he heard someone knock on his door. "Who could that be!?" He asked himself, as we walked over to the door to answer it. But, to his dismay, it was BoJack Horseman. "Nope-" Bob said, turning away from the door. "Wait!" BoJack called out in desperation. Bob slowly turned around to see what BoJack had to say. He handed Bob a bouquet of flowers as an apology gift. "Sorry for not wanting to touch your penis at PB's house. And for the record, you don't smell like week old chicken nuggets." He blushed, "So, what do you say? Wanna come over to my house for some toaster strudels and marijuana?" He asked. Bob's skeptical frown turned into an easy smile. "Yeah, okay! Let's go to your house!" BoJack seemed surprised. "...R- Really...?" Bob's smile grew even bigger. "Yeah!! I'd love to hang out with you!"

Once BoJack and Bob walked through the door, BoJack yelled in a rather annoyed tone, "TODD!?? COME OUT HERE, WE HAVE GUESTS OVER AND I NEED YOU TO ENTERTAIN, SING HIM A SONG OR SOMETHING, I DON'T CARE." A short, young man walked out, yawning. He had blue hair and was wearing a yellow beanie and a red hoodie. "What...?" "DAMMIT, TODD! YOU'RE BEING VERY RUDE TO OUR GUEST RIGHT NOW, AND CLEAN UP YOUR SHIT, MY HOUSE IS A MESS AND IT'S EMBARRASSING! AND WHO'S FAULT IS IT? OH, THAT'S RIGHT! YOURS! SO PICK UP YOUR SHIT, SCUM." Todd seemed to be upset and sad over this statement. He began to cry. "FINE! I'LL PACK MY THINGS AND GO!" "That was easy," BoJack began to say, before he realized: Shit! Todd was moving out, if this Bob thing falls through, he'll be lonely again. "Todd, wait.." Todd looked back at BoJack. "...You don't have to pick up your shit. Wanna come eat a toaster strudel with us...?" BoJack said in a rather welcoming tone that was unusual for him. "Oh, shit... about the toaster strudels... I ate them all last night..." Trying to contain his anger, he exhaled and looked at Todd. "What about the weed I saved?" Todd looked down, sadly. "I smoked it all..." "Get the fuck out." Todd started crying again as he ran out the door forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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