Chapter 4

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(Picture of Bobby)
I woke up, with the warm sunshine shining onto my face. I could hear the quiet chirping of three little birds that sat on my window.

From what happened last night, I felt like I didn't need to worry. The bird's chirping reminded me of that. Suzie and Bobby were hitting it OFF last night. Bobby would not stop talking to me about how amazing the whole experience was while we were driving home. I hope that today, I get closer to getting my grandparents together. Once they fall in love, I get to go back to my familiar life.

Fall in love=familiar life

I repeated that to myself, as I stepped out of bed and into my comfy pink slippers. I grabbed my lace robe and put it on, as I walked downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast.

My "mother" was already in the kitchen, cooking up some breakfast for my "father" and I. I sat myself at the bar, as my mother placed a plate of delicious double chocolate chip pancakes in front of me.

"Well look who is up, bright and early." My mother smiled.

"I don't know why, but my body just woke itself up this morning." I exclaimed.

"That's good." She said nudging my shoulder, before leaving the kitchen.

After she left the kitchen, I proceeded to dig into my delicious double chocolate chip pancakes.

I don't know why I love chocolate so much. I honestly feel like I have a problem. But I do NOT like dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is just absolutely disgusting to me, and I don't know why. I know a lot of people love dark chocolate, but I've never really seen the appeal in it. It's just very bitter, and the bitterness overwhelms the sweet chocolate flavor.

After finishing my scrumptious meal, I washed off my plate in the kitchen sink and walked back up to my bedroom.

When I got to my bedroom, I slid one of my records into my record player. Luckily, I grew up with my dad always playing his floppy disks in our house. The sweet melodies would fill up the house, and flow out of the windows. I grew up listening to the classics, because my Dad had always been obsessed with music. When he had no one, he still had music.

I proceeded to pick out a plaid skirt that ended around my mid calf, and a light blue blouse. I Brushed through my short brown hair with a vintage silver hairbrush. After that, I applied some peach lip rouge and slipped on my socks and shoes. I finished it all off with a little spritz of the best smelling perfume from my large collection on my vanity. 

I also brushed my teeth.(but that doesn't matter because brushing your teeth is a boring part of getting ready)

After I was completely done getting ready, I grabbed my books and headed out my unfamiliar front door, through my unfamiliar yard, and onto the old unfamiliar school bus.

I sat down next to Suzie, and Bobby sat alone on the seat adjacent to mine.

"Hey Suzie!" Dorris stuck her head up from the seat in front of us. "I like your sister's sweater."

Suzie ignored Doris' remark silently picking at her nails.

"Wasn't that your sisters sweater, Suzie?" She taunted. "You can't even afford your own sweater like the rest of us. You are SO poor, that you have to wear your sisters hand-me-downs." She said, while making a frowning puppy dog face then evilly laughing at her own comments.

"That is enough Doris." Bobby started.

"Is little Bobby is standing up for his crush?"

"People with glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones." Bobby retorted.

"What the hell does that even mean?" Dorris questioned.

"It means that your not the one to be talking about wearing hand-me-downs, Doris."

Dorris stopped and stared at Bobby, then released a defeated sigh while slouching back into her seat.

Bobby defeated the bully.

Suzie looked up from her nails and towards Bobby, with a genuinely happy smile across her lips. Bobby looked back into Suzie's eyes with a genuinely happy smile across his lips too.


"Okay class, today we are gonna be getting with our regular partners. Bobby, since Harry isn't here you can be partners with me." Our dusty old teacher pervertedly smiled at Bobby.

Everyone stayed silent, as Bobby shifted uncomfortably in his seat with an awkward smile on his face.

"Okay. Everyone partner up!" Our teacher announced.

Everyone stood up from their seats, while Suzie made her way towards me, and placed herself down next to me.

We started working on our assignment, when I noticed Suzie staring at Bobby instead of working on our assignment.

"I was looking at Bobby earlier, and he isn't that bad looking. Actually he's pretty attractive. Am I insane?" I said, while trying to push the subject onto Suzie.

"Oh my goodness, no. Bobby totally is a looker."

"Yeah, his hair is great." I pushed even farther.

She nodded in agreement, "His EYES! Sooooo dreamy." She stared intently at him, while he awkwardly joked around with the teacher. The teacher was laughing waaaay to hard at his jokes. I could tell her laughing was making everyone in the classroom uncomfortable.

"Oh! And his package." I pushed probably too far.(I've never looked at his package, gross, I just know that girls look at that in guys sometimes)

"Ew Kalina." She looked at me like I had just committed a huge sin right in front of her.

I defiantly pushed too far.

"Just because you are dating someone doesn't mean that you can't stop thinking people are attractive." I persuade.

"Well in that case, Bobby does have the looks." She blushed. While looking down at her paper.

Suddenly the classroom door busted open, and through the door emerged a disheveled looking Harry. His hair wasn't greased back, in fact it was a hot mess. He searched the room for Bobby, seeing that everyone was with their regular partners. His eyes landed on mine, and I felt my stomach jolt. It was similar to the feeling you get when your stomach drops while riding a roller coaster. We shared this moment until Bobby tapped him on the shoulder, ushering him to sit down and start working on their assignment.

Suzie and I worked on the assignment until I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I ignored the feeling, and continued working on the assignment.

I was on the 10th questions when I felt the same feeling again. I tried repositioning my body to become comfortable, but nothing worked.

"Are you okay Kalina?" Suzie asked me.

"Yeah, I'm just.......holding in a toot."

"Ooooookay. I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't hear that." Suzie said uncomfortably.

We continued our work, when I felt the same crazy feeling. At this point, I was getting very annoyed. I curiously looked up from my work, and immediately connected eyes with Harry. He instantly looked away from me, like he was staring at me and got caught. Was he staring at me?

Was Harry Styles staring at me?!?

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