Fan Made Stride Skills..? Part 2

8 2 6

Following part 2, here goes another 6 clans.

AUTO : V : Blaze : At the end of your turn, if your opponent have 1 or less rear guards, you may draw a card.
AUTO : V : CB 1 : When your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one of your opponent and your rear guards, and retire them. If you didn't retire 2 rear guards, draw a card.

Simpler draws, i guess? And that still don't kill Kagero's hobby for killing rear guards..

CONT : V/R : GB 2 : Thunderstrike 3 : This unit can attack two of your opponent's units in one attack.
AUTO : V : CB 1 : When your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, your opponent choose a card from his/her drop zone, and binds it face up.

AUTO : Engorge
AUTO : V/R : 1/Turn : When your unit is retired due to an effect from this unit's Engorge, you may call that card to an open R. If you don't, draw a card.
AUTO : V : CB 1 : When your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to two of your rear guards, and until the end of your turn, it gets :
AUTO : When this unit is retired for the cost or the effect of your card, choose up to one of your units, and it gets +4000 until the end of your turn.

Gaia v1 is still the best, although this card isn't bad as well. But it can get ugly if you face rear-guard-killing clans.

Deadly enough, i guess? I'm having a hard time binding with Vanquisher's stride skill.

Dark Irregulars
AUTO : V : Darkness : At the end of your turn, when a card is put to your G zone, choose up to one normal unit and one trigger unit from your drop zone, return them to your deck, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO : V : When your G unit Stride, SC 2, choose up to one normal unit from your soul with different grades as the card soulcharged with this effect, and put it to your hand.

Not a fast soulcharger, and it's more defensive than both g3 Scharhrots, but it's quite cool :p

Spike Brothers
AUTO : Charge
AUTO : R : GB 2 : Put this unit to your soul : At the end of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, if this unit is charging, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck for up to one card, call it to R, and shuffle your deck.
AUTO : V : CB 1 : Choose a card from your hand, and put it to your soul : When your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one card from your hand, call it to R, search your deck for up to one card with grade less than the card called with this effect, call it to R, and shuffle your deck.

It is more of a quantity than quality. Spike Brothers can go mad about power-ups, so i'll just set the card as the caller of cards..? O.o

Pale Moon
AUTO : Soul : GB 2 : When your other unit is placed on R, you may call this card on the same column as the called unit. If you do, at the end of your turn, put this unit to your soul, and put the unit in the same column as this unit to your hand.
Magia-AUTO : V : Choose a card from your soul, and put it to the bottom of your deck : When your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, SC 1, choose a card from your soul, call it to R, and if that unit has the Magia ability, that unit gets +3000. At the end of your turn, put the unit called with this effect to your soul.

I don't think Pale Moon has a card that switches soul before, so it can be good if Luna Yumizuki uses this card (lol wut)

There you go, that makes 12 clans. The remaining 12 will come out sooner or later. Would be lovely to hear your opinions.

Bye *wave hands*

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