Chapter Eight

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Well well well, if it isn't I. The shitty writer. Teehee. Y'all are in for a treat. ;D. By the way, don't forget to support our boy's!!

3rd pov


"Yes I'm ok...."

"Mhm, I'm with a very nice man and we was makin cookies...."

"No mama, don't be silly I ain't hurt!....."

Louis said giggling into the cellphone

"Yes mummy I'll let him know....."


Harry hummed, turning his head towards the small angelic boy. His eyes a nice clear shade of blue. His cheeks a nice shade of rosy pink.

"Yes baby?"

"Momma wants to talk to you"


"Zayn I said I was sorry! I'm only human and I make mistakes!"

Zayn couldn't believe the shit that was coming out of his twins mouth. A mistake? Really now?

"Victor, I do not wish to speak to you at this very moment, for if what I just seen in this fucking recording sums up to what I think I saw then get ready, cause you just might die in your sleep."

Zayn huffed. Because this was just the cherry up top the sundae. Of fucking course the one time their baby blue gets lost he's taken by none other than Desmond's son. Don't get him wrong, Harry was a good man. He's also a good middle and forward. But that wasn't the point. The point was that Louis was with him near his rotten father and that could only mean bad things.

"Please Zayn, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to-...."

"Shut your yapping, we need to go in five"

"But Zay-"

Zayn glared at his brother because no this wasn't happening now.  He smirked when he saw him coward back. He knew better.

With a roll of eyes Zayn turned his back towards his sibling and started to make a call. He ignored the sniffling that was coming from his identical copy.

"Please pick up for the love of god" he muttered angrily. After a couple rings, a deep voice finally picked up and he let out a relieved sigh.


'You've reached a Styles, if this call is not for business purposes then please fuck off, leave a message if you want and I'll get to it never.'

"Fuck!" He muttered angrily, he threw the phone against the nearest wall and watched it fall to the ground in pieces. 

He was in such a daze, such rage that he had forgotten for a split second that he wasn't alone. A startled gasp is what got him to realize that he wasn't the only person in the room.

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