Chapter Nine

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Hello, I'm sad because I'm always sad. Any-who, the beginning to 'Only Angel' makes me cry. Cuz Harry really did see an Angel. Louis. Teehee enjoy!!

3rd pov

Maybe it was the sparkle in Louis' eyes that made Harry realize that he was in heaven, or maybe it was his plush heart shaped lips creased upwards into a small bashful smile. Or maybe it was his Pink cheeks or his soft hair. Harry didn't know. For he was only a fool to these types of things. Never had he ever felt such infatuation with another human being that wasn't his mother.

He can only sigh at the thought of his mother, Mary. She was truly a beautiful creature. Even on her death bed, she looked absolutely remarkable.  No one could ever be compared to having such beauty as her.

Well, maybe Louis could be his only exception. He was gorgeous without even trying. He was soft and delicate. Such an exquisite body that boy had.

Small framed with curves so wonderful, every women dreamed of. His face, dear lord his face was sculpted by the purest of angels. No smudges or awkward edges. And even if he had any he'd gladly still take him and eat him up. For with a body like that, anyone in this industry would kill.

Not on his watch. He thought. His soft body belonged to him now, everything that was Louis was his now and only his. He'd kill for this boy. He'd steal for him if it meant he'd open his heart to him. Anything, because without any outsiders knowing, Harry had claimed Louis.

Mentally and physically. Louis was his now.

From the tiny boy's cute little toes to his very last strand of hair. His purity was his, as he had deemed himself worthy of him. He'd marry the small boy and he'd  fill him up with his babies, lots and lots of them.

Just thinking about a small pregnant Louis, made his cock twitch.

Oh how his soft ass would feel on his cock.

He knew having these inappropriate thoughts about the small angel weren't ok.  They weren't ok when he was sleeping just a few feet away from where he sat. It wasn't healthy either, he could jump the boy now and bound them together for life. But he wasn't going to do it. Of course not, he had self control and he wanted the small boy enjoying everything he would do to him as much as he would.

His thoughts were cut short by a booming voice.

"Harry my boy! What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Harry turned to his father and shushed him immediately, for the small boy had barely fallen asleep after all the baking and running around they'd done.

Desmond couldn't help but give his youngest son a genuine smile. He's never seen Harry act so endearing towards anything or anyone besides his wife. He was proud of his boy. The youngest of  seven finally moving on.

"Right well, I hope you have a good reasoning for pulling me out of my meeting, child. Now c'mon, on with it."

As happy as he was for his son, he couldn't stall too long, for he was an important man after all.

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