Chapter 2

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Beam's P. O.V

It's weekend.
I was in a party, with kit and the guys. The party was thrown by a guy of our college. Damn! The guy is so rich. Almost everyone from the collage is invited. Everyone seems to enjoying so much.
But the worse part is, forth is here too.

Of course he would be, what am I even talking about? After all he's one of those popular guy in our college.

I looked around while drinking my alcohol. Sitting on, one of the stool.

Almost everyone is drunk by now. But I'm trying not to drink much, cause I have to drive back home.

Pha is with the girls, going wild on the dance floor. Showing off his abs to the girls. Almost every girls on the dance floor gathered around him, since he's the girls magnet.

I looked at the nong, who's sitting beside me. He was glaring at phana secretly.

Yo seems so jealous. It seems like, he just wants to drag out phana right now from the mess made by those girls.

We know yo loves him and phana loves him back too. But those two, just can't admit it to each other. When in reality, they're so obvious. You know action speaks louder than words.
I've actually never imagined before, that Phana, the girl magnet would actually fall for a guy.

I chuckled to myself, thinking, about pha's priceless expression, when I'll tell him about, what he was doing in front of his yo.

And there was yo's best friend ming. Who's also flirting with girls at the other side of the pool. He's a junior but he's quite famous among the girls too. I have too agree that he's quite handsome. Even some seniors girls also likes him.

This time I looked at kit, who was sitting beside me too, at the other side.

He was looking at the same direction.

At ming.

"Waoo.....don't tell me you started to like him?" I said mockingly.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He said glaring.

"Then, why where you staring at him?" I asked.

"I was not staring, I was just thinking that he's quite different from forth. I mean they are cousin brothers but look at them, no one will say that they are related. They don't even talk much with each other. He said

"Why are thinking about it suddenly? I surely think you're starting to like ming." I said earning another glare from him.

"Say that again and I'll punch you" he warned.

"Ok, i won't say it again. Don't punch my handsome face. But I surely think that you guys will make a cute couple." I said again, laughing at his angry face.

"Do you really wanna get punch?" This time he showed his fist.

"OK ok, I'm just kidding. We don't wanna create an issue here, now are we?" I said still laughing.

Sometimes, I really love to tease kit. Because his angry face is so....ridiculous but cute. eyes finally landed on forth, making my smile fade away instantly. Not because I saw forth but because melon is with him laughing and talking. Seems like they're enjoying each others company so much. I can't stand it. I'm jealous.

I gulped down shot after shots, watching over them.

"Wait! what are you doing? Slow down. I thought you didn't wanted to get drunk." Kit said while stopping me from gulping another shot. Yo just look at me with concern, not knowing what else to say.

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