Chapter 5: A meeting with Nono

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Tsuna hugged the pillow with one arm as his other arm acted as a pillow for him. He was alone in his room lying still in his bed. His eyes gazed at the ceiling with slight interest and soon did it became boredom. He had not know that his friends would come over and didn't prepare anything for them. For the time being and that very day, he needed a time alone. But those friends sure were persistent and intended to stay. So Tsuna had excused himself early and went upstairs so his own mind could relax.

He glanced at the calendar on the date on which he wrote 10:00 pm and drew a mask. Reborn had asked him what it was and he simply did hand signs meaning just a new anime coming up. But it actually was the day, the day where he would meet the famed Vongola Nono, in other words his grandpa. Tsuna then stared at the circle shaped device in his hands. A smirk graced his lips. The time had come. His underground explorations will not be limited in his small laptop anymore. However, he have to be aware that he will not associate or be Vongola Decimo in any way.

Just as he hid his mysterious device a loud voice which only belongs to one called his name, "Tsuna-sama!"

Tsuna groaned and covered his mouth as he realized he wasn't allowed to make a sound. He rolled his eyes and walked downstairs.


Reborn eyed the brown hair boy, a look-a-like Hayashi who sat emotionlessly yet hiding a smile beneath those facades. His two new friends, Gokudera and Yamamoto, was talking to him happily. The boy he was informed about, the heir's twin, was much more dame. Had his information been outdated? Had that idiot Lemitsu gave him the wrong info? No, the man was simply just not there for his family and never knew the great changes of his two sons. But there really was something strange about this boy, who was meant to be a weakling. He was hiding something Reborn knew, but couldn't find anymore proof than his suspicious actions. He would love to spy on the boy tonight but Nono had called him away, something about Hacker de Cielo AKA. Kaitou 27 meeting him and that Reborn must be present.

He knew Timeteo had been tracking the mysterious hacker, for three years. Timeteo or Nono was anxious to meet him/her. This mysterious person was rumored to be greater than any hacker despite starting only four years ago and Nono was more than happy to recruit him. Vongola was strong, with guardians, fighters, mechanics, and brains. But they never had the best hackers because other families had stole them away. That was the main reason to the old man's enthusiasm of having found the legendary Hacker of the Sky. Reborn had no idea how he was nicknamed that, Kaitou in Japanese meant "phantom". How in the world did he became Hacker of the Sky?

The wearing infant tipped his fedora to hide a grimace he was too prideful to show. He wanted to torture the brat Hayashi, try to convince Gokudera and Yamamoto in being Hayashi's guardians which were deemed impossible now, and finding the real Sawada Tsunayoshi behind that mask. Thanks to the old man his fun was wiped and cleared of any traces possible. With a grunt he slipped away to the park which were in construction under Vongola, so it was the perfect place to meet.


Tsuna excused himself after dinner, but not before waving his friends a warm goodbye. His brother watched from afar with a scowl and bumped into Tsuna on purpose so he could spill his tea. After that Hayashi hurriedly stomped up the stairs without even glancing back. Those brown eyes watched his brother from the corner of his his eyes before the eye lid closed. Tsuna signed and help his mother clean the plates. Bianchi had went up to her room and Lambo was already fast asleep on the floor.

The boy giggled and carried the boy upstairs after showing his mother a yawn which meant he was sleepy and was going to sleep.

"Alright Tsu-kun! Oyasumi!" his mother smiled lovingly at the older twin. Tsuna returned the smile with the same warmth but as he turned away a frown had replaced the smile earlier.

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