Chapter 40

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After Krip dragged me inside,  he picked me up and took me to my room, throwing me on the bed then said "stay put till Drew comes!" well fine with me like I wanna be where people are shooting far out.

I sit for a bit then Mira comes in look a mess then says "I'll be back. just stay here ok." I'm looking at her like I've really got a choice in this! She leaves then and my head's still swimming.

I went outside to check on Drew, he hasn't been back to bed since I was in the shower even though the bed smells like him, it's like he wasn't there. Then when I did all hell broke loose.

So I've been here half an hour, but what would I know, my brain has been fuzzing out I can't seem to think straight, then Mira comes back in with blood on her face and sits on my bed "what an egotistical pig of a man he is, I hate him.... Everything to do with him, he better stay away from me I'm over his, I'm too good for you bullshit..." ok she has lost it... is she talking about Drew, I go to ask but she's not finished with her tirade "he can't even see past the fact...grah, I just hate him. Asshole thinks I'm so young..... No one in my dad's charter talks like he does to me... who the hell does he think he is!" with that she picks up a water bottle I didn't see and throws it against the wall, water sprays everywhere....
Ok she is pissed "Mira honey what happened?" as she's about to answer me, Krip comes in first then Drew, but Krip yells first,
"Miracle, what the hell were you thinking!  That, out there was club business... who and when are you allowed to help and why the hell would you....fuck!" she just glares at him, she is just as pissed but somehow she gathers the strength to look at him and says calmly "my name,  to you is Mira! And what I do and don't do, is none of your concern.  I'm not having this conversation with you or anyone...  ever again.. Oh, and fuck you too asshole!" with that, she is up and out of here. I glare at Krip, he's never talked to me like that or anyone I know,  I think he's losing his mind.
I go to tell him, but he puts his hand up to me and stops me in my tracks.
"Don't Stasia, I haven't even said what I wanted to say to you,  I'm still fucken mad at you for running when I told you not too,  so shut it!" I blow out a breath in defeat.
I knew he hadn't talked to me for a while now, but I was confused why.
But now I realise he was waiting till he had calmed down. I look at the floor and Drew talks next,
"That will be the last time you talk to either of them, till you find some damn  respect." Drew gets right up in his face then says "Stasia might be a sister to you but you need to remember she is my woman.. and let me make it easy brother... talk to her or Mira like that again and you won't be walking.... got it  brother!"
shoving him back,  I expect Krip to fight back but Cobra walks in and tells Krip to move, to go back to the shed, where he's  needed.
Drew still waiting for a fight.  Cobra just comes over to me and sits down,  putting  his arms around me,
"You good little bird,  did you get hurt?"
"I'm good... but what's going on, I'm confused. Who were those guys, why do they want me and what the hells wrong with Krip!"
"Pretty sure the guys work for, or with your dad and as for Krip, he doesn't handle girls near danger that well and you running off put him in a bad space, he's struggling with that and now Mira's fighting him, he'll deal better once we get to Melbourne, now just stay  here we have stuff to fix. I'll go check on Savie and if she's awake,  I'll bring her here, yeah" nodding,  he kisses my head then gets up to leave passing Drew he says "fifteen minutes, then in the shed,  see you there." Drew nods then comes to me
"You good... Sure you're not hurt?" 
he's taken me in his arms but running his hands all over my body, checking for any other damage.
Then he looks at me intently,
"Why the hell did you go outside beauty... after everything that's going on... if you got hit again... shit babe you need to take more care... promise me..." I didn't even think we would be in trouble out here geez,
"I thought we were safe I didn't know.... or I would have stayed inside, I just thought that we were here, and safe, shit"  rubbing my back he adds  "we're not, so unless I'm with you, stay indoors, and any idea what Mira's story is... she talks about anything to you lately. She's a bit on edge"
"Yeah,  she just had a break down in here before, but I don't know anything, it was a bit left field"
"Ok, but I've got to go, if Mira tells you and she's in trouble... please let me know babe .. Something's going on, I just hope it's not too big.."
He kisses me then leaves and I decided to go look for Mira, she has some explaining to do.  I just hope she'll tell me!

As I go through the door Savie bumps into me, she asks if I'm ok, I tell her, "yeah, come with me.... Mira did something and Krip lost his shit, so did Mira, so let's go!"
She follows me down to where I think Mira is,  but she's not.  So we go to the kitchen and she's in there with a bottle of scotch! Ok, this is serious.
"Mira are you  ok,  you're scaring me, honey."
She looks up, but just shakes her head, then throws back another shot of scotch.... ok she shakes it off and goes for another, then Savie says "girl, share... if you need it then we're gonna need it too,  so pass it around." she nods then says " I'm not saying shit girls, but if you wanna drink with me... let's do it!" Savie just goes straight to the Cupboards grabs more shot glasses and grabs 3 glasses then walks in the walk in pantry and comes back with a  vodka, a litre bottle, and  sprite,  she looks at me and says
"ice is in the freezer, grab it Stasia and let's go where no one will find us for a while!" I'm  thinking where's that.. then she winks at me and nods to Mira "my room girls let's go.." as we get to her room,  I'm the last to walk through and Savie says " lock it Stasia we have some drinking to do!" Bullet had put Sophie Keata and Izzy at the back house ( a granny flat sort of) so there probably still asleep but looks like we are going to be trashed, here we go!

After about an hour, we are bitching about men, laughing at ourselves and dancing to music,  Mira and Savie are holding up fine. But for me, I don't drink often,  so I'm pissed.
I'm trying to tell them how yummy Drew is and they just don't get it "he's like..."! I'm flapping my arm around trying to explain, but those bitches are just laughing at me "you two are switches or whatever fat word is!" I throw my arms up, but someone takes the floor from under me and I knock my head on the ground and moan,  trying to rub it better I eye the girls but there's now 4 in the room and someone is banging on the door,  I think Savie and Savies twin get the door.  Cobra walks in he takes one look at me and shakes his head then at the girls, they  just laugh again, Mira and Mira's mate... maybe it just Mira tries to pull me up but we both fall again and I hear Cobra say "you do this?" I put my hand up "yes fanks 'tis me!" He is now shaking his head yelling out to Drew I hear him and I get excited I push Mira off me,but she falls on her ass and burst out laughing and then  I'm trying to get me looking nice licking my lips and patting my hair down, Mira's  laughing harder now and I glare at her " shut up.... so I look ok!" Savie shaking her head "yeah this might be on me... shit!" I think I'm pissed nope! really pissed because all of a sudden I'm upside down.
I pick my head up and say "wow why you're upside down and the grounds!" Then I hear my honey's voice "babe I've got you"
"Mmmmm yes you do baby" I hear him chuckle then my eyes grow heavy they close and it feels to good to ever open them again ..... I feel my face snuggled into a pillow which makes no sense, but then I feel nothing cause sleep takes me!!

UNCHAINED TORTURE TO BLISS, Angels of Fury MC series Where stories live. Discover now