Chapter 24

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Shit,  Krip wasn't lying when he said they had history, but what sort of history did they have.

I pull Stasia closer to me, I need her close at the moment.

Krip has pissed me off big time I told him not to come in that room but no he couldn't wait to see her. Maybe it's me but I can't stand the thought of anyone near her, even my dad pisses me off,  but I know he has like Daughter or niece like feelings for her,  seeing as Nana Sally had her for a while, and Stasia doesn't know what happened to Nana yet and I think this will hurt  badly.

I must have been in my own head cause when I decide to look up only dad and Sophie are in the room with Keata.
Keata is still curled around me but Sophie tells me she going to take  Keata now to the room, Keata actually goes quietly which I'm happy for.

Dad stays but he has something to say and I hope Stasia isn't faking sleep cause I don't want her to know just yet about everything.

No such luck, Dad wakes her and says,
"Stasia wake up girl I need this out before it gets too bad and shit gets twisted."
Dad always had a way with words... shit I don't want her to hear this,  so I pull her even closer if that's possible. 
She nods that she's ready and I hold my breath,
"So what do you remember about the day Nana Sally let you  go?"

"Nothing,  she told me to do as practised and that she would catch up or see me when she knew it was safe,  so that's what I did."

"And when was that do you remember the day or the month... and what exactly did she tell you.... it's important little bird it will help!"

Stasia takes a bit to answer,   so I rub her back then she clears her throat and starts.

"I can't  remember the day, but I'm sure it was in May, she'd been teaching me shooting and showing me safe places and even got me this fake  ID  with my change of name.  About a year after I arrived she told me that it was my father that blew up the club house and that you didn't want me to know because I'd been through enough, she said you thought I'd run... I may have if  it didn't come from her she made me feel like she needed me, so running wasn't an option."

Damn nana was smart... and she's right,  Stasia craves people needing her and to be independent at the same time, I need to keep this in mind.

Dad just nods willing her to say more.

"I remember a phone call she said was from you, then she got another one from a friend of hers that came over from time to time he said he was on his way to help, she put the phone down and said pack that bag girly, today is the day you run..... she reassured me that she will catch up and that I'm not to worry,  I knew the drill and to trust myself... I had 4 safe houses to get too, two had people nana new and the other two,  no one would be there. Which at the time scared the shit out of me, but she was right I was fine. The first two they were waiting for me,  but by the time I got to the last two,  there was no one there and she had a note for me to read and money so I could get started, I was supposed to stop at a town over from here , but when I got here I couldn't leave, I got my job straight away, met Sophie, we became fast friends and I helped out with Keata and got my own place.."

"Ok, you're doing great, do you know why Sally never came."

"No I just thought it wasn't safe, just recently I was going to move again but Sophie. I don't know, maybe I just needed a reason to stay.... so no I don't know please say she's ok?"

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