chapter 12: jungkook

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Panting, I finally reach school.

"Thank you, Yoongi" I say.

"You're welcome" Yoongi says, ruffling my hair.

After class, Hoseok comes up to me and says, "Hey Y/N.."

"Hey.. Hoseok" I say.

"Do mind if we go on a date tonight?" Hoseok says.

"Where to?" I say.

"At the beach" Hoseok says.

"At night..?" I say.

"It's pretty, trust me" Hoseok says.

I hit his shoulder and he laughs.

"Anything for my Hoseokie" I say.

Hoseok cheeks become red and I say, "Somebody's blushing"

"Ahh! I'll just pick you up after school" Hoseok says, covering his face.

Yoongi's P.O.V

"Hey–" I say but I see Hoseok blushing, with Y/N.

Wait, what the hell?

Don't tell me.. they're falling for each other..

"Y/N!" I call out after Hoseok leaves.

"O–oh, you scared me" Y/N says.

"Don't tell me your falling for Hoseok" I say, crossing my arms.

"I think I am.." Y/N says, scratching the nape of her/his neck.

"No! He's playing with you" I yell.

"But I'm supposed to be playing with him" Y/N says.

"You both have been played" I say.

"He doesn't actually love me..?" Y/N says.

"Nope" I say.

"O–oh.." Y/N says, disappointed.

"Hey, don't be disappointed, you have a line of guys waiting for you. And remember.. I'm first in line" I say, flashing my gummy smile.

Oh my god, I just did that?

Y/N gulps and moves a little away from me. Is s/he feeling uncomfortable? Agh! I can't live like this, confessing to Y/N was such a bad idea! Why did I even think of that?

"Soo, what were you and Hoseok talking about?" I say.

"Well, um we're planning to go on a date" Y/N says.

"Oh cool, where?" I say, shifting a little towards Y/N.

"Beach" Y/N says as s/he says.

"Don't you need a swimsuit..?" I say.

"Yeah, I have a few..." Y/N says as s/he shifts away from me.

"Um.. I was wondering if we could go swimsuit shopping for you? I'll treat you!" I say.

"You've already spent a lot of money on me–" Y/N says.

"It's okay, anything for you–" I say.

"I'll just go with Hoseok" Y/N says.

"But, then yo–" I say.

"Don't you get the point?!" Y/N yells, angrily, "I do not want to go swimsuit shopping for you? Okay? Okay"

Damn, s/he's scary when s/he's angry. How did I fall in love with someone like that?

I look up at the ceiling as silence fills the room. I look over to Y/N, with her/his arms crossed.

"I'm–" I say, shifting little closer to Y/N.

"Keep trying" Y/N says, as s/he leaves.

"Y/N!" I say, "Y/N, please don't leave"

"Y/N! I'm so sorry for whatever I did!" I say.

Y/N's P.O.V

Why does Min fucking Yoongi have to be so annoying. Like doesn't he get it? I have a boyfriend! A player.. but still! I know I'm the type to cheat but who would cheat with someone called Min Yoongi?

Jungkook comes up to me and looks down, shyly.

"Hi" Jungkook says, shyly.

"Hey" I say.

Junggkook smiles a little and I say, "What're you doing here, kid?" as I ruffle his hair.

"I just t–thought I could walk you home and yeah, um– and say h–hi" Jungkook says.

"You stutter a lot" I say as Jungkook's cheeks turn into a light shade of pink.

"I guess this is where we part ways" I say.

"Y–yep" Jungkook says.

"Had a nice talk with you, see you tomorrow" I say.

"See you.." Jungkook says.

"Wait!" I say.

"Could you perhaps.. go to the mall with me? I have to buy something but I need someone's opinion" I say.

"Sure! W–why not" Jungkook says as I giggle.

"A bathing suit store, seriously?" Jungkook says.

"Yes" I say.

I take a few pairs of bathing suits and try them on. Jungkook would blush, cover his face and tell me it's too revealing.

"This one?" I say, posing.

"Not too bad.. not too revealing" Jungkook says.

"Finally" I say, with a sigh of relief.

"Let's take this one" Jungkook says.

"But I have a lot more bathing suits to try on!" I say as I whine.

"Too bad! I want to get out of here" Jungkook says.

"But–" I say.

"Please" Jungkook says as he pouts.

I groan and I say, "Fine"

I pay for the swimsuit and we walk home.

"I guess this is goodbye, since I have to go somewhere tonight" I say.

"Aww, let's hangout again sometime, noona!" Jungkook says.

"Definitely" I say as Jungkook blushes.

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