chapter 16: anxiety..?

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Hey, Yoongi" I say.

"Hey" Yoongi says as he smiles and waves.

"What're you doing this weekend?" I say.

"Nothing much? You?" Yoongi says.

"Well, I'll be hanging out with a guy named Yoongi" I say as I wink.

"Oh really?" Yoongi says as I chuckle.

I start breathing heavily, and I start to tremble.

"Oh my god, Y/N? Are you okay?" Yoongi says.

"H-help" I manage to choke out.

"Holy shit" Yoongi says.

I start getting dizzy and my chest starts to hurt.

"Take deep breaths, in and out" Yoongi says.

I hug Yoongi right away and he hugs me back. And suddenly, the pain in my chest stops.


"Hey brother" I say.

"Hey Y/N" Namjoon says as he smiles as I sigh.

"What do you think of me and Yoongi together as a couple?" I say

Namjoon gags as he says, "Excuse me? You love him?"

"No! I was just thinking" I say.

"I think Yoongi and Y/N would be cute as a couple" Jin says.

"Well, I was just thinking about it" I say.

"You could do so much better" Namjoon says.

"What? Are you jealous that I won't pay attention to you anymore?" I say as I chuckle.

"Maybe?" Namjoon says.

"Ahem.. I'm still here" Jin says.

"Oh yeah" I say as I giggle.

"Just don't date Yoongi?" Namjoon says.

"Why not? Even if I liked him?" I say.

"You don't like him, so we do not need to discuss why" Namjoon says.

"But what if I liked him?" I say.

"Do you?" Namjoon says.

"No!" I say.

"I just- you don't need a boyfriend right now" Namjoon says as he mumbles.

"Oh really?" I say as I chuckle.

"She's old enough to have a boyfriend, it's normal" Jin says.

"Thank you!" I say.

"How come you don't have a girlfriend?" Namjoon say as Jin looks away and he crosses his arms.


"Good night guys" I say, waving to Jin and Namjoon.

"Good night" Namjoon and Jin say in sync.

I sigh as I head to bed and close to door behind me.

I open my phone and scroll through Instagram.

Before you know it, it's happening again.

My throat starts to close and a clutch my chest. My heart starts to pound out of my chest as I try to keep my breathe steady.

"Oh my god" I choke out.

I manage text Yoongi to come as fast as he can as my fingers tremble.

Why is this happening? Why is it all of a sudden? I have no reason to be in panic.

After a few minutes, I hear the doorbell go off and my bedroom door busts open.

"Y/N!" Yoongi yells as tears stream from my eyes.

I get up from my bed as I hug him as tight as I can.

"Y-yoongi" I whimper.

Yoongi runs his fingers through my hair as he looks at me and he smiles.

"It's alright, Y/N" Yoongi says.

Oh, how he says my name.. it soothes me.

"Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" Yoongi says.

"P-please" I say.

He carries me to bed as I nuzzle my face into his neck.


"Aww.. they're so cute" Jin says as I rub my eyes.

I wake up to a furious Namjoon and I shoot up.

"Why is he here?" Namjoon says as he crosses his arms.

"Uhh" I say.

Yoongi wakes up aswell as he says, "Oh! Hi, Namjoon"

"Why are you here?" Namjoon says, leaning closer to him.

"Well, you see. Y/N has been-" Yoongi says.

"I've been having panic attacks and whenever Yoongi is around the pain stops.." I say, "Yoongi makes me happy"

"Namjoon, let's go, if she's happy-" Jin says.

"I don't want you hanging around with this Yoongi guy" Namjoon says.

"WHY NOT??" I shout.

Namjoon snickers as Jin pulls him out of the room.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi-" I say.

"No, I find this disgusting. Namjoon obviously likes you, more than a sister. You need to stay away from him" Yoongi says as I put my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry" I say.

Yoongi says, "It's not your fault"

"I know" I say as I look down.


"Hey Y/N" Jin says.

"Hey Jin!" I say as I smile.

"I-I-I'm sorry" Jin says.

"For what?" I say, getting confused.

"I don't know where Namjoon went- I-I" Jin says.

"WHAT?!" I say.

"When I pulled him out of that room, I told him it's okay that you were with Yoongi. But then he said that he liked you more than a sister and then I slapped him and he started crying. Then I started crying as well and I told him how much I liked him and how I was gay and he ran away, but I was mad at him so I didn't run after him. I don't know where he went, he hasn't been back since and I made a huge mistake" Jin says.

"Wow" I say as cover my mouth with my hand in shock.

"I'm sorry, I messed up, what do I do?" Jin says.

"I-I don't know" I say.

"Fuck" Jin curses.

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