2 - unexpected arrivals

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5:46am - 157th day after diagnosis. I was awoken by unfamiliar voices from the empty house across the street.

i slowly creep out of my warm bed and feel the coldness of the air in the rest of the room. of course i left my A/C on. I open my curtains slightly, and see unrecognisable faces unloading boxes from a hired van. new fucking neighbours at nearly 6 in the morning? probably to avoid the heavy traffic of new jersey on a monday morning.

there seems to be a an older teenage girl, a tall husky man, a woman, and a teenage boy who preferably my age, all carrying boxes into the medium sized grey house. the boy had messy brown hair with blondey white strands sitting at the front, his hair fell to the side like wings. his hazel eyes picked up the morning sun and perks of green in his eyes appeared. his smile was unknown to me yet, but i bet it is beautiful.

he was extremely handsome, and from the minute i saw him... i knew that i wanted him to be a big part of my life.

after a few minutes of watching and seeing how they were doing,
instead of going back to sleep since i only had like 20 minutes to spare - i decided to go downstairs and make coffee. my mother was sat down at her desk, examining a pile of papers and writing a lot of cheques. i ignored to question how it was going and sat down with my cappuccino, reading the last pages of pride and prejudice that i had to spare. Romantic love stories were by far my favourite, they all make my heart go fuzzy and warm. I've never felt like that before with a person like the people do in stories, but i'd love too.


As you can tell, i haven't included Grayson in this fanfic. I decided to not include him and put him in as being in college, this is because i wanted to focus on Ethan and Sophie (the main girl) in more detail. This fanfic also isn't going to be the same as Everything Everything, im copying parts of the storyline and extending it further.
You'll see what i mean if you carry on reading 😂 TYSM

Ill also probably update every day, if i miss days i'll try and do more in days where i'm free :) thanks :)

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