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"Do you think people with a diffrent eye colour are strange and ugly?" she asked taking a spoon full of ice cream. she stared blankly at the ceiling as if she was in some deep toughts.

"No. They are as beautiful as the ones with brown eyes. Sometimes ,the coloured eyes make them more beautiful."

"But,what if one of the persons is asian. It wouldn't be strange to see a natural green eyed girl walking 'round Seoul?"

"Not at all,but what's the point?"

"You don't get the shades,don't you?"

"Not at all."Dasung said with an emotionless face.

Miso facepalmed herself and proceeded to the bathroom. She found the box she was searching for and came back to Dasung .

She slowly reached her eyes and took off her contacts revealing her true clear,emerald coloured irisies.

Dasung's heart skipped a beat.

" They are beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful." he muttered,still in shock.

She thanked and carefully put the lenses in their special box.

"Why are you hiding them?"

"Because our classmates don't like them."

"You are bullied."

"I'm not!"

"Then you were."

"This might be true."

Miso thanked God when Dasung's phone rang,so they could end the uncomfortable conversation.

He muttered some words,hanging up the call.

"Do you want to meet my friend?"


"Then let's go to the park."

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