Chapter 29.

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Harry's pov-

After hours of walking around the boardwalk's carnival, it finally became time to head home. Insisting I buy her ice cream, Ducki and I made our way to the cart to grab some. Her favorite was Mint Chocolate Chip, she told me. I ordered a large one for her and a large chocolate for myself.

"Ugh, this is so good." Ducki moaned with the taste of the ice cream. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, baby." I said pressing a subtle kiss to her forehead. I locked my arm around her shoulder as we walked back to the car and I laid out the rest of our date.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Me, Harry Styles, finally dating someone who's so different. And Ducki saying yes. It was crazy to think last week we barely even knew each other.

I could tell the night wouldn't last this calm the entire time, and it was proven when no one else but Zayn Malik and his girlfriend Gigi walk past, obviously ignoring our presence.

"Oh, hey Harry! I didn't see you there," Zayn said with a fake smile.

Gigi smiled looking around with her dumbass distractions, Ducki trying to introduce herself but being ignored. Zayn looked at me and her skeptically and I yanked my arm off of her out of nervousness.

Ducki looked to me hurt and confused, but then disappointed. She knew why we couldn't be seen, and she should understand, but she didn't.

"So are you two together now?" He asked smiling pointing to us.

"We were just out and about, no big deal." It was heartbreaking for me to deny it, but I had to. It was for her own good.

"Oh," Zayn frowned. Gigi continued being a ditz and tugged on the bottom of his shirt. "That's a shame. You two really would look good together."

"No, we are--,"

"Zayn, can we leave? My feet are hurting from all this walking." Gigi frowned pulling on him. No shit, her heels had to be eight inches.

"Yeah, babe. Let's go." The black haired man said tugging his 'date' away and looked back at me. "You're coming to the fight tonight, right?"

Fuck, I completely forgot.

"Yeah, I'll be there." I said and turned to leave. My eyes caught a glimpse at Ducki, who was already walking ahead of me with an obvious attitude growing on her face.

"Don't bring the chick," Zayn whispered in my ear and patted my back. "She won't want to see it."

"She won't, I'll make sure of it."

Ducki's pov-

"Ducki, wait!" Harry called for me but I continued walking ahead.

I still can't believe he won't tell anyone. He was the one who begged to date me. He was the one who said he "can't stand being without me". And he doesn't even have the courage to tell his friends. Harry still keeps everything a secret, and I hate it. Just when I think this will work between us and that he is done with secrets, this happens. I feel humiliated and I feel like a side chick.

"Slow down, would you?" Harry said ignoring my obviously annoyed state. "You have fast legs for walking in heels."

"Take me home, Harry. My home." I said motionless and looking ahead. I didn't even want to look at him.

"Babe, come on you know I didn't mean it like that--"

"But you did, Harry!" I shouted and gained a couple of looks. "You always do! You always act like you love me when we are alone, but the second someone you know is around, you don't even know me!"

"What? You think I love you?"

"No, well, I didn't think--"

Harry laughed.

"You don't actually think I could love you, do you?"

I felt humiliated, standing her with tear-filled eyes and red cheeks. Of course I did.

I was in love with Harry.

"Yeah, I did." I said shrugging my shoulders. I didn't need to hide it. "I did because you told me I meant so much to you. I did because you beg me to stay over your house and sleep with you, and I did because I thought I did too."

His face drops and turns white. "You what?"

"You know what, just forget it Harry." I spat throwing the container of ice cream at him. It was melted, anyway.

The liquid splattered all over him and he sighed running after me. "Stop following me!"

"Let me explain, would you?!" He called out of breath already.

"No, Harry! I'm tired of this! I'm tired of me thinking you'd change, I'm tired of thinking this would work out! You're a dick to me, and to everyone! I won't be another one of your dolls you play with and throw away! I won't!"

"Babe, wait--"

But it was too late for him to catch up to me. I was already down the sidewalk, ready to dial the number I should've called a long time ago.

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