Silica, Empress Of kurashiki, Queen of the sky

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Aiko: it is now your turn, silica.

Silica looked up and approached Aiko.

Aiko: now I will explain your story, you are the Empress Of Kurashiki it isn't big but its good to keep secrets in. Your main focus is the sky and surprise attacks and since you have Pina with you dragons can be a main focus too.

Silica: the sky is my ally?

Aiko: yes and now its time for your wish and try make it focused towards the sky.

Silica: hhhhmmmm.


Teacher: Dragons may be myths or legends but they ruled the skies and were feared by villages, however one certain village could become allied with dragons and fly them.

Silica: is that how the dragon village came to life?

Teacher: indeed, people and dragons fought together to defend the ones they cared and even help people they didn't know.

Silica: what about the legendary rainbow dragon?

Teacher: ah you must have some good knowledge, the legendary rainbow dragon isn't well known in fact people hardly saw him only a true dragon master could communicate and ride the dragon.

*end of flashback*

Silica: of course I know what I want.

Aiko: yes?

Silica: I want KuraShiki, to become the dragon village.

Aiko: what can I expect from the dragon tamer, as you wish your journey shall now begin.

Silica: I'm ready.

Aiko: very well, be careful don't let to many of your dragons die.

Silica: I won't allow that.

Aiko: good luck and will see each other soon.

A white light appeared in front of silica and she disappeared from the room.

A slight breeze woke silica up, she was in a huge room with different decoration around.

Silica: is this my room?

A sudden knock occurred on her door.

Silica: yes?

Mysterious Man: your majesty I have news to deliver.

Silica: I'll be with you in a second.

Silica put on some fancy robes and opened the door, a man wearing huge red armour and a long katana on his back.

Mysterious man: here is the latest from the scouts and health of all dragons.

Silica: may I ask who are you?

Mysterious man: oh yea forgive me, I am Echo your companion and main guard to protect you.

Silica: well its nice to meet you echo.

Echo: its to meet you in person your majesty.

Silica and Echo opened the huge doors and sunlight  blinded silica for a couple seconds until she opened her eyes again.

A huge village stood in front of her with dragons in the air or on the floor resting, people walking around admiring them and even taking care of young baby dragons.

Silica: its beautiful.

Echo: the village does look beautiful everyday and people living here enjoying their lives.

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