Chapter 16

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Beth pulls away looking at Hotch. Confusion written all over her face. "I thought you wanted this to stop." He looks down at her. "Beth...." She finally Realize he just needs someone right now. She takes his hand and leads him to the couch. He sits down and she pours him glass a scotch then sits on the other side of the couch. "Tell me what happened." She says giving him her undivided attention. "Emily and I were gonna talk but it just.... went in a whole different direction and she..." he stops to take a sip of the scotch. "She told me she didn't know if she loved me." The pain pangs in his chest and he tosses back the rest of his drink. She pours him another one, not knowing the affects. He puts his head in his hands. "This is all my fault." He takes the drink like a shot. "I need to fix this. I have to fix this." She sighs knowing that's what is right. "Go to her Aaron. You need to go show her." He nods handing her the glass. She smiles sadly. This affair is over. He stands up and leaves going to get in the car. He gets into the truck and speeds off home. To his relief her truck is still parked in the driveway. He gets out and walks into the house. "Emily?" Hotch calls into the house. He doesn't get a response so he walks towards the living room. Something catches his eye on the table. Her wedding ring and the necklace he bought her for their 5th wedding anniversary. He picks them up placing them in his pocket. "Emily!" He calls out again. He searches the house only to check the backyard last. She is sitting in the middle of the yard with a glass of vodka cranberry. "Emily." He says walking towards her. She doesn't turn, just raises the glass to her mouth taking a big drink of it. He glances at the vodka bottle and cranberry juice next to her. Both half empty. This couple sure as hell had a drinking problem. They both drank to get away from their feelings. He pulls up a chair next to her and stares off into the distance just like she is. They stay silent for a long excruciating time. Emily finally breaks the silence. "Did you go to Beth's house." She asks in a quiet voice still staring into oblivion. "Yes..." he whispers turning his head looking at her. She is quiet for a moment before she speaks again. "Did you... kiss her?" She asks him still not looking at him. "Yes..." he drops his gaze to his hands picking nervously at his thumb. "Very well. I'm going to make dinner." She stands up leaving behind the bottle and cup. The screen door slams shut behind her and he let's out a deep sigh. How in the world could he have messed up this much? He pours himself a glass and walks inside bringing in the things she had left. Putting everything away he turns to his wife standing by the stove stirring whatever she was cooking. Normally she would have makeup on, music blasting, barefoot and hair down brushed and straight. Right now it's dead silent, the bags under her eyes are apparent, bruises now fading but turned a nasty color. She was wearing her puma tennis shoes and her hair was in a messy ponytail. He had indeed broke his wife. Pushed her past her breaking point. Emily didn't deserve this. She deserved to be love the right away. She goes to drain the water put spills boiling water on her arm. "SHIT!" She yells dropping the pot and grasping her arm......

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