Chapter Two

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no, i'm not awake at 5:38am eating chips.

You are. ^_^


'Why would father want to see me?' was the the only question running in my mind.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't realize that I've finally reached his office.

With a deep breath and a fast prayer, I knocked on the door.

"Come in" he answered.

Walking in, the first thing I noticed wasn't my father who was sitting in his usual seat behind the desk, well that too, but apart from the familiar things in the office, which included an abstract painting of something that looked similiar to a woman's err boobs, there was a guy who was sitting on the couch placed on the left side of the office.

My gaze locked with his and suddenly, I felt weird tingles in my stomach. Not the nice ones also, more like the ones that screamed, 'danger.' I felt warning bells go off in my head.

He stared at me deeply, his gaze not unwavering. And I suddenly felt self concious. An unfamiliar feeling came over me and I looked away from his intense gaze. My father's voice snapped me out of - whatever we were just doing.

"Come in, dear." My father said warmly, making my heart drop to my freshly painted pink toes.

My eyes snapped up to him in shock.


Who was he and what has he done to my father?

But I returned to my senses as the guy sitting on the couch cleared his throat, still looking at me and in the mean time, my father glared at me. Daring me to misbehave.

Then it all clicked. He was just doing this for a show.

Just showing this mysterious guy that he is the most perfect and caring father.

The thought made me want to curl in a ball and cry my eyes out, but I composed myself.

"Scarlett, meet Nathanial Dawson, son of one of my most trusted late partner. Who's taken over his late father's company and have doubled over the profit." Awe seeped through his words as he introduced Nathanial, one could easily see how proud he was by this guy. "And Nate, meet Scarlett, my daughter. The one I was taking about. " My father introduced us. I couldn't help but wince at the way he called me his daughter, like he was ashamed of even calling me his own blood.

Before I drowned myself in self pity and later hear a lecture and a slap or two. I quickly held out my hand for Nathanial to greet.

"Hello. It's good to meet you Mr. Dawson." I smiled at him.

"The pleasure is all mine. And please, just call me Nate." Instead of shaking hands, he grabbed my hand and softly planted a kiss on it. Stunned, I could only stare at him dumbfoldly. "You are just as beautiful as Èmile described you to be." He cracked a smile and I couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked. Realizing what he said, a blush made its way to my cheeks.

Did Father really talked nicely about me to him?

I looked at my dad but he was just grinning at him.


I opened my mouth to thank him but father beat me to it. "I am glad that you like her, Nate. Does that mean that the deal is done?" My dad asked, his grin still present there.

um. what?

"I suppose it is, Soon to be father in law." His gaze locked with mine, as if searching for a reaction.

Father in law? The actual muffins?!??

My whole body went rigid as I snatched my hand out of his grasp as if his touch burned me. His smile faltered and his eyes darkened. But he composed himself just back again. While me? I was too shocked to even form words.

My action didn't seem to go nicely with father as his jaw clenched and he glared at me.

"W-w hat?" I finally got myself to speak and I cursed at myself for stuttering.

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Nate asked my father, who had moved closer to us now and was standing beside his desk.

"No, I didn't think it would matter." He replied calmly. While me? I was anything but calm. I was close to having a panic attack.

Noticing my panic struken face, Nate turned towards father, anger written on his features.

"You fuc.king decide to marry her off without asking for her say in this?" He all but yelled at him.

Oh God.


My head started spilling as I tried to grasp onto something for support.
"I- I wanted to, but I didn't think it would make such a difference." My father tried to play it cool, but one could easily read that he was uncomfortable under Nate's accusing gaze.

If this was some other situation, I would've snickered at my father's expression. but at this moment, I was too overwhelmed to be shocked over the fact that how my father looked almost scared of him.

"What's going on?" I turned to Nate calmly, but I was anything but calm inside. I forced myself not to panic but my breathing came out in pants, as i've ran a marathon. I was on the verge of losing conciousness, I could feel myself slipping into darkness.

I fought to keep my eyes open as my vision blurred and my head started spinning.
My legs wobbled under me as I tried to grab onto anything so I wouldn't fall.

Just as my eyes closed, I felt strong pair of arms encircle around my waist.

"I'm sorry, love." Nate whispered just before everything blacked out.


Quick update.

I hope you like it.


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