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Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
F/C - Favorite Color
S/F/C - Second Favorite Color
H/C - Hair Color
E/C - Eye Color
F/A - Favorite Anime
F/A/C - Favorite Anime Cha
(start music/rain sounds now)
Your pov
(I notice it starting to rain.)
"Uh oh..." is all I could say before passing out.

Aaron's pov
I smashed through the boy's door, hoping Y/N and especially Travis are on the other side. "WHAT! AARON!!! MY DOOR!!! HOW COULD YOU!?!?" I heard Garroth yell. "Oh... Sorry, but WHERE IS TRAVIS'S SOON TO BE SORRY BUTT!?!?!?" I screamed, sure after, Dante ran in looking worried, and Cadenza following.

Travis's pov
When it started raining we got really worried. "What?! Rain? Oh no... We need to get home!" Dante said, running off, along with Cadenza. "Well that's just GREAT!" Laurence said. As we ran through the park, I shouted over and over again; "Y/N? Y/N?! Y/N where are you?!?!" I need to find her... Aaron will never trust me again if I can't find Y/N... After a few minutes, we found Y/N laying on the ground, under a tree, and thankfully, sleeping and fine. "Thank Irene." we both said, sighing. As we picked her up, We saw AARON, Dante, Zane, and Cadenza following him.

--a few minutes before brought to you by; Aaron's anger--

Aaron's pov
"Aaron!" Dante yelled as he caught his breath. "WHAT?! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M A 'LITTLE' BUSY?!?!" I screamed. "Aaron. Calm. Down." Garroth gently said, how is this working :/ I sighed and said; "Y/N and Travis are missing..." "That's... What... We... Came... To... Tell... You..." Cadenza said, in between huffs. "Oh. WAIT! WHERE ARE THEY?" I said, obviously still TrIgGeReD. "They are at the park, well,.. Travis and Laurence are..." Dante said, backing up a little bit. "WHAT?" I said, (making this face:😱). "Y/N wandered off and now she's lost in the park... Heh..." Cadenza explained. "Aaron? Where is Aphmau? I can't find her." Zane said, walking in.

|Fla: Zane? Who's Zane? Because I'm SURE haven't met him yet!|
|Mi: Oh shoosh, I guess you didn't read the A/N|
|Zane: Where are we?|
|Fla+Mi: NOWHERE!!!|

"Not now Zane." I said, "Well, then, what's going on, and,.. why do I feel like I shouldn't have asked that?" Zane asked, attempting to walk away. "Nu¬Uh, you're help to help me look for my little sister. Got it Zane?" I stated, serious tone and everything. "*sigh* Ok. But who is she?" he asked, confused. "NO TIME FOR THAT! MY LITTLE SISTER IS LOST IN THE PARK FOR IRENE'S SAKES!" I shouted, grabbing Zane's hand and dragging him out the door (way).

--a few minutes later brought to you by; sassy Zane--

Your pov
"*Mumble* *mumble*" I heard someone speaking. "Shoosh *mumble* *mumble* now." "ughnn,.. Where am I? What happened?" I said, my eyes still adjusting to the light. "Well... When you disappeared, we were ALL soo worried..." Dante said. "We found you sleeping under a tree. Why did you take a nap under a tree anyways?" Laurence asked, "I don't know! I'm not a know-it-all." I said, letting my anger flow evenly with the confusion. I zoned out after that, I wonder what Aaron did to Travis... And who is that?!?! "..and now were here!" Cadenza finished, hugging me. "Oh, OW!" I screamed. My head is throbbing... What happened to me? "Who is that?" I said, rubbing my forehead.

Zane's pov
"Who is that?" She said, looking at me? "I-I'm Zane..." I whispered, hoping they didn't hear me... "It's nice to meet you! I'm Y/N!" She said, and before I knew it, we were hugging... S-she hugged me? Why me? Isn't Aaron her brother? Why doesn't she just hug him? "Hehe! I want to be friends." She whispered in my ear. Why? I thought only Aphmau cared about me... I guess not all people are bad... "I want to talk to you about something later ok?" I told her walking off.

|Sorry! But I'm really out of ideas for now k? I'll try to write more in the next chapter! 711 words. Until then, Bai Bai my SHIPPING ARMY !!!|

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