Chapter two: A new start

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Today is a new day, a new day of a million.
Today will be good, and I will Be fine. At least that is what I will tell everyone. Who am I to say that? I know nobody. Well, the boy. The boy from last night. Ethan. Charming, his black earrings, long black hair with a blue strip in it. Oh, wow. But it's my first day. I will start fresh, even if I never see him again.
After I put my journal away I will go to the gym, if I can find it. I walked down the halls, only to get lost. I asked a few neighbors if they new, no one responded. A few steps away I read a sign that says: gym. I finally made it. I opened the glass door, all around me was equipment I couldn't use. I felt embarrassed. I start on the treadmill. Moments later, it starts to get faster and I start to get tired. Luckily, I'm the only one in here. A few hours later I walked back home, well what is going to be my home for the next part of my life. As I open my door I start to cry. I need my dad. I pick up my phone and dial. No answer. I try again. I started to cry of guilt. What if I don't see my dad again? Was this idea wrong? Was it wrong of me too come here?! After all it was my first day. My phone rings, it's my dad.
"Hey sweetie is everything okay?" He says concerned.
I burst out crying. I'm in shock. I tell him "people are mean dad. I don't know anybody!, I wanna go home" I said as a gave up.
"Julia. Listen to me. What good does it do you if you give up? You have been there one day. I know you miss your mother, I miss her too." We share a moment that only a father and daughter could share. He made a good point. We talked for hours. As I lay in bed that night I thought, my dad was right. I can't give up. I came here for a reason. I began to doze of. That night I didn't relive 3 months ago. I dreamt my future. If that crash hadn't happened. My life would different. I fell asleep to the sound of the city. It was good night, and a day unexpected.
Well, I'm awake and it's going to be a good day, for real this time!
Today I didn't write very much, only because I'm going out! I leave my apartment, then leave the building. I look to the left me and there he was, Ethan. Just moments later we made eye contact. I look away as fast as possible. In the corner of my eye I notice him walking over here.
"Hi." He said with a soft, gentle voice.
"Hello" I knew this was no time to back down
I looked him in the eye and gave him a smile
"Your beautiful"
"Thank you"
I blushed. He then asked my number I could tell he was into me. The first day?! Wow. The first day. I gave him my number and walked away. He smirked, he waved goodbye as I went on my way. I went to the grocery store to buy food for tonight. I was planning to watch movies, I was until I got a message from Ethan.
The message read:
Hey Julia, you can't tell but I like you. You have a very genuine smile. I like it. And I was wondering, Do you.. no no no, would you like to come over tonight? Surprise, we live in the same building.
I was astounded. I was so happy, I will admit I laughed at his cockiness. But it was cute, he was cute. My plans changed for the night and I was totally okay with that. Although, the smile? Wasn't totally true, I hide myself sometime to make other people happy. It worked.
Later that night I walked to his apartment, when I knocked he rushed to the door as if there was an emergency. It was cute. When he opened the door my jaw dropped, it wasn't him. I gave an embarrassed look and said sorry wrong apartment. As I turned away in utter shock I felt a grab at my arm. It was Ethan.
"Hahaha it's okay, he is my twin brother"
He laughed historically as if he didn't care how I felt?!
"Oh hahaha." I fake laughed, but they fell for it.
"Come in" he sounded exited.
About 2 hours later it was 12:00 am. As it was Getting late, I stood up and walked to the door.
"I had an amazing night Ethan" I smiled for real.
"Me too, will you be back?"
"We'll see" I left him hanging.
I had a great day and an even better night. I walked back to my apartment when I get a call from my dad.
"Hey dad, what up?"
Line goes dead.....
"Hello? This is not your father. I'm a paramedic." He sounded.. well, like he had to find me.
"What's wrong?!"
"Your father had a heart attach." He had a shaking voice
I screamed, and fell to the floor as tear ran down my face. I raced back to Ethan's apartment. I knocked on it as loudly as I can, I could nearly breath.
"What's wrong?" He sound concerned
I told him I needed his car. I ran down the hall, he followed me all the way to his car.
"Open it now! I need to go!"
I could nearly speak. He got in the car as I drove I couldn't stop crying. I wasn't embarrassed, I was scared. I ran to the entrance of the airport. My phone rang again.
"Hello? Is this Julia"
"Yes" my body shaking
"Your father is in Los Angeles hospital, he wanted to be near you." The phone went dead.
I ran out of the airport and back to the car, Ethan following me every step. I could tell he cared, he was concerned. I saw tear run down his face, he had the right too know. On the car ride there I explained everything. I ran out of the car and into the hospital. I fell to the floor, I couldn't find him!
Ethan picked me up off the floor and hugged me tight. I've never felt this way, the tension was unbearable. But somehow I could tell Ethan cared, even if we met 48 hours ago. What was he feeling?
I found my dad. He was asleep. I found out he was going to be okay and that the doctors could ensure more days for him. I look at Ethan and ran over to him, I gave him a huge hug! I couldn't thank him enough! He brought me to my dad. That is all the matters. I told Ethan to go home. But he refused.
"How can I leave when I don't know if you will be ok?"
"Ethan, I will be fine. I'm sorry I scared you" another tear running down my face. I Told him to go.
"Good night Ethan."
We hugged as I let go he gave me a soft kiss on the forehead and told me "it will be ok"
I believed him.
After he left I went to my dad. I gave him a kiss and said it was going be ok. He wasn't waking up. So I lay there talking
"Dad, I love you. It's okay if you need to leave" shaking I new this was not his time but I couldn't be sure. I started to cry as I spoke.
"Dad you have been here longer than I can remember. You stood by my side....." I fell asleep. I felt confident that he was going to be okay, My pocket rang. It was Ethan. The message read:
Hey. Julia? Are you okay? Is your dad okay?
I replied with a yes. My eyes barely open, it was quite now. I stood up to get fresh air. The nurse who helped my dad walked by and I had to say thank you.
"Excuse me, ma'am." I said shyly
"I wanted to say thank you."
"Of course, he will have a new start tomorrow"
With that I felt good, my heart was better. I walked back to the room, opened a recliner and fell asleep.

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