Chapter five: Night, Day and The Journal

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I can't wait. It's about 8:00 pm and I'm going over to spend more time with Ethan. I can't stop thinking about the way he kissed me, it was so gentle and filled with love I need it again. I walk to his apartment and walk inside, Grayson isn't here to tonight which makes everything better.
"Hey E!"
"Hey!" He sounds exited to see me.
"Ready for movie night?"
"Of course!" He through his arm over my shoulder and we walk to the couch, we stare into each others eyes and smile. Before I could speak he pressed his lips into mine, god, his lips are so soft.
"I'm glad your here Julia" he smiles and puts on the movie. We decide to watch "Annabelle" we have a thing for horror movies. About half way into it I jump and throw the popcorn all over Ethan. We both laugh. The movie isn't over yet but we decide to leave, we move to his bedroom. As we both stand up he picks me up with my legs wrapped around him as well as my arms. I smile and we kiss, the kiss is amazing as usual. Without separating our lips, he lays me down on my back onto his bed. It was so soft, oh and his touch. He takes off his shirt and asks
"Are you ready"
I kiss him
"What do you think"
He is so seductive, I run my hand up his torso. His soft skin, abs, and his light tanned body, it was so hot. He takes off my shirt, soon my bra. Things start to heat up. We kiss and I get a small grunt and moan from him as I hold him tightly.
"Your so beautiful" he tells me this as he pulls me closer and under the sheets, I see his head and eyes shine in the moonlight. There is no better night to make love with the man of my dreams.
He is so gentle with me, the way he moves his body shows great passion and love. I'm glad I stayed the night.
The next morning I wake up spooning Ethan. I hold him tightly and roll over to see his face. I smile at the thought of being with him. How did I get so lucky?
"Good morning" I say while lightly stroking his face.
He is still sleeping, I giggle.
I sit up and stretch, I let out a big yawn. I see, I see a journal? I get up in Curiosity. It is a journal.
I know I shouldn't read it but I couldn't help myself. I swing open the pages, his handwriting is so neat I'm surprised. I look deeper and find something unexpected.
Ethan's journal:
July 24, 2017
I met a girl, she is so pretty. Her name? I never got it. Well see about that.

I begin to become interested the more I read, it was a very intriguing journal.

July 25, 2017
Her name is Julia, god she is gorgeous I got her number today. Her hair, oh it glows. She is sooo pretty, her perfect teeth with her perfect smile, and Her brown eyes. She is from Seattle, it fits her perfectly. The forest.
July 27, 2017
I went to dinner with her tonight, she was stunning. Her white jeans, black lace top and black heals. She looked perfect. Does she feel the same way? Does she love me? I plan on teller during the movie tomorrow, I wanna watch a scary movie so she will jump into my arms. God, she is too perfect for this world. But when do I tell her, does she recognize-
I get cut off, I think Ethan is awake. I hurry to put the journal back as fast as I could. What was he hiding? Did I recognize what? I have to find out.
"Good morning Ethan" I smile.
When is he going to tell me? I can't get the thought off my mind.
"Good morning" he said very sweetly.
He asks me to go surfing with him today, obviously I didn't refuse.
A get dressed with Ethan, I barrow Grayson's board and then head out. As soon as we get to the beach some random girl ran up to Ethan and hugged him. She asked for a picture. What the hell?
"Ethan what hell was that?" I may have sounded rude.
"We need to talk" he never made eye contact with me.
"Let's go home, I wanna know." I needed to know.
We got home and I slammed the door shut.
"What's going on?"
"What do you mean?"
Was he kidding? Did he actually just ask me that? I was starting to get angry. A few moments later he explained that he was a YouTuber and is famous with Grayson.
"Wait! I knew you were familiar! What is your last name?!"
"Dolan" he looks down.
"Oh my god, your the Dolan twins. How could you not say something to me?!" I was more upset than pissed off at this moment.
"I'm sorry" a tear fell down Ethan's face.
"How could I be more oblivious to that fact I knew it!" I scream yay loudly.
"Oh shit."
"What did you do Julia."
I told him I went through his journal. It didn't end well.
"You went through my fucking journal?! Why? How could you?"
"I'm sorry..I-"
"Get out"
I get cut off by the sickening words "get out"
My stomach clenched, I felt like I was about to die. I stop In my path with my mouth open and a tear running down my face.
I went home. I cried. "What have I done?"
I new I should have stoped my self, but I couldn't.
"WHY? Why would you do this Julia!" I scream this over and over again to myself. I deserve what happened to me. It was bad that he kept a huge part of his life a secrete from me, but I had done worse. The damage was fatal.
Fuck. My only vocabulary at this point. My throat strained and weak. I look out the window a single tear runs down my face. I knew I fucked up, I crawled under my covers in disappointment of not just me but him and I went to sleep.

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