Chapter Six

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~~Eliza's POV~~

i was up three hours ago. but Hagrid still refuses to wake up. I have opened the curtains so the sunlight streamed in on his face. I dribbled water down his ear ~I do this all the time to my brothers. it gets them so riled up, it hilarious!~ I banged pots and pans together, I even jumped on him but he hasn't woken up. I sigh. he promised me that we would go into London and buy my things, but obviously it's going to be a sleeping day.

"Hagrid can you get out of bed please?" no repose.

"Hagrid, we're going to London today. Lets go," still no response.

"Hagrid, get out of bed!" nothing. ok. this means war!

"HAGRID, GET YOUR SORRY ARSE OUT OF BED THIS SECOND, OR THERE WILL BE SERIOUS PROBLEMS!" I scream at the top of my lungs. he awakes with a grunt and falls to the ground.


"We were supposed to be going to London, Hagrid. You promised," he looks guilty at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, Liz, I was-"

"Let's just go, ok?"



we walk down a lane, away from the castle.

"How do we get to London?" i ask.

"Well, seeing as you can't apparate-"


"Let me finish. so, as you can't apparate, we'll be taking the train. the one that runs through the village," he said gesturing to the village ahead of us.

"Apparating is like the form of transport for witches and wizards. it is really difficult, and I don't have my license-"

"You need a license?"

"Stop interrupting! Yes you do. if you do it wrong you get splinched," I was about to interrupt him again but he put his hand up for me to stop talking, "yes, splinched. the Magical Reversal Squad come to fix you up, but you do get quite a heavy fine for doing it," he finishes. I ponder on this fact. What would happen if you were of age, but you still had to call the Reversal Squad? Would you still have to pay the fine? As we walk into the village, i see people giving Hagrid strange looks. one witch fully glares at him. I look at Hagrid too, but in confusion.

"Why are all these people staring at you Hagrid?" i ask. he looks down at me with a sad look in his eyes.

"Well, you know how you don't know who your parents are? well people blame me for that," he says. this makes no sense to me at all.

"But, why is that a bad thing? You didn't know my parents, so you can't tell me anything about them!" I exclaim. Hagrid looks at me. He looks as if he is about to say something but he cuts himself off before he can say anything.

"Look, things are far more complicated, ok? Just-I'll- m-maybe-I-" but the train hooted (?) and he stopped talking. he took my hand and we went to find a compartment. we found one about halfway down the train.

"Are we sitting in here or not?" I hear a voice outside our compartment.

"Should I go and tell them it's ok to sit in here?" I ask. Hagrid nods, apparently lost deep in thought. I open the door to catch my breath. standing before me is the most georgous boy that I had ever seen. well it was the only boy that i'd seen in human form. he had chocolate coloured glossy hair, bright green eyes that sparkled, and a honey skin tone that suggested that he was from the beach. he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt displaying my favorite band, Coldplay. I guess this guy was a muggle-born. he was with someone, who I guessed was his mother, as he had the same face.

"You guys can come sit with us! We won't bite, you know?" i say. the boy and his mother laughed at my pathetic joke and they walked in.

"Good to see you're holding up, Hagrid," the mother said. I was confused. who was this lady?

"Ah, Masey. How are you?" he asks.

"Oh, I'm great! Livius here got his letter yesterday, so we thought we'd come in and get his things," Masey said. the two continued to chat about random things, so I turned to Livius.

"So, you're Livius?"

"Yep. Livius Magorian. What's your name?" he aks.

"I'm Eliza Pot-"

"Eliza, come and tell Masey about your animals," Hagrid cuts in loudly.

"Um, ok?" I look at Hagrid. There's something going on, and as he said, it was much more complicated than I thought.



hey guys,

thanks so much for taking the time to read my story! i really hope that you like it. I've been thinking, and shoutout to @hmacgregor89 for giving me this idea. james had a crush on eliza. what do ya say?

keep the comments rolling and votes coming,

Jordan 💕

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