What the..

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From: drKitKat@gmail.com

To: Moong_Mingkwan@gmail.com

Subject: Wow..

Ai Ming,

You know what?

I definitely want a lover like Ai Forth at the moment. No, it's not that you are less handsome or less manly but damn, right now I envy Ai Beam so much!

This morning, after the nightmarish night shift at the ER, both Beam and I were sluggish like days old seaweeds.

We faced flu, crying babies, drunk guys and for the cherry on top, a traffic accident with three different patients in critical conditions. The operation was so freaking long that it hurts when I bend my knees. Thank God all of them were stable this dawn.

So yeah, we were entitled to be tired, right?

I walked with Beam to catch taxi in this early morning and guess who's waiting in front of the hospital? Looking so fucking handsome on a motorbike it hurts my bleary eyes more than morning sun?

(No, it's not you - I definitely knew it's not you. Your off schedule were the day after tomorrow; I remember, ok?)

Yep, it's Ai Forth.

Beam just gaped like gold fish one second and ran like bats from hell towards him. They were hugging and kissing (in front of the ER, mind you!) and whispering towards each other when I suddenly realized that Beam was crying.

Freaking hell, the playful-jolly-mature Beam was crying. And Ai Forth just keep hugging him and rubbing his back while smiling like some proud husband that able to bring moon for his spouse.

Cheesy, isn't it?

And I envy them so much right now.
Because, you know, I wish you were here too. So don't you dare to extend your shift, you hear me, Mingkwan? Or the couch will be your best friend when you come home.

Be home soon.


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