Chapter 2 hoesss

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So Lucas drove us home . The house was big & beautiful I got out & he said he was gone be back so I had went to me room i was lit ( pic coming soon ) . I was waiting for Lucas to get back . He was downstairs for about 5 mins .
I walked down the stairs he was finna roll up sum weds .

I seen Will but it was alot of niggas & sum others was rolling up

Me : heeey Buddy

Will : wassup

he stood up so I could give em a hug

Lucas : watcha want sis

Me : so yuu can't tell nobody yuu finna roll up

Lucas : you smoke ( looking shocked )

Me : duh tf issa lot of pain being them blunts

Boy ( Devin ) : thats sum real shit son .

others agree

I twirl around ik ik 👅

I sit between Lucas & Will

Lucas blunt was fat

he hit it first then me / we were passing

I was hungry I went into the kitchen & just got snacks I came back

and we was just acting slow

They went into Lucas room / I went into Mine

After a while if wore off I wish it could have lasted longer . I changed into something comfortable .

 I changed into something comfortable

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I layed on my bed . Will was texting me (convo mode )

Will 👅 : ayeeeee

Buddy 👅 (me): what

Will 👅 : you know I'm tryna get witcha

Buddy 👅 : I didn't know

Will👅 : Well I wanna make that move

Buddy 👅 : Idk I been played a lot


I hear ppl down stairs I go down there I see my new mother & dad

I walk faster & hug him

me - heeey daddy

chance - heeey babygirl did you have a good day at school

Me - it was OK ( I go over to Angela )
I hug her

Angela - heeeey sweetheart

Angela - can you do my a favor

Me - sure watcha need

Angela - go get Lucas for me

I go upstairs & walk in his room

Me - ( opens door ) Ma said come here

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