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I wake up I don't see Will , So I check my phone its 12:38

I go into the guest room across the hall & look out the window & see Them outside & the pool

I get happy & take a shower & chance into a swimsuit

I was walking outside to the pool / padio

Will & Lucas & Eli & Trill convo

I started putting my hair until a ponytail

Will : Yea her ass fat as fuck & her titties big ass shit her face so fucking beautiful Man 😍😍 like gawm damn she bad ASf

Lucas : ooh lucky you

I knocked over a cup

Eli : hey Jasmine

Before I could say anything will walked over & tried to kiss me I blocked it

Me : Heeey Fello Hoes

Will : ( I grab her & throw her over my shoulders & into the pool )

Me : All Ik is getting thrown into the pool )

Will jumped in

Me : Will ( I call his name ) my fucking hair

Will : you gone be good baby ( comes over & keeps my cheek )

he picks me up & puts my legs around his waist . my hands were on his neck

Will : Can I get my kiss now

Me : I peck his lip ( while trying fix my hair )

Will : Plays & drops me a Lil

Me : stop

Will : give me a real kiss

Me : I tongue kiss him / he does it back

Khalid : Mbn my gf not here 😭

Eli : Do a porno

Will : sticks his middle finger up ) but didn't break the kiss

Will finally breaks the kiss

I get out & bend down to put my hair in a bun . Will comes behind me & starts humping me ass . I put my hands on my knees & twerk

Me : I'm be right back I gotta get some towels ( I walk in the house to look for them )

Lucas : aye let's prank her ass

Will : how ( smirking )

I called over some bitches . Let one play with your hair & touch yo chest , other stuff & see her reaction

Will : you know she gone beat the girl ass

Trill : Fuck it I wanna see a fight

Will : Alright let's get with it

Lucas : wtf taking her so long

Eli : She short asf, but I mean that ass isn't

Will : ayeee you out of pocket

Destiny & ik you like for a white girl Bitch I anit all white hoe



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