d.w. - chapter 8

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hey :)

uh...who's this?

finn? u dnt have my number saved?

didn't think that u'd wanna talk so...

i have something to tell u...

Before I could even respond, I got a call from Mercy.


"Girl, I'm so done with Finn."

My jaw dropped. "What happened?"

"He hasn't texted back in like three days. I'm getting bored."

My phone vibrated.

i dropped mercy...

I bit my lip. I didn't know how to feel about this.


"Hm? Sorry." I sighed. "I told you he was bad news, though."

"I guess you win. I'm sorry, I should've listened to you."

"When am I ever wrong?" I chuckled briefly, then stopped. "Don't answer that."

She laughed. "We need to hang out."

"We really do." I stopped talking when I heard a knock...at my window. That's weird.

I clutched my phone to my chest as I walked towards the source of the noise. Drawing the curtain, I almost fell backwards as I saw Finn on the other side.

"Are you okay?" Mercy asked, on the other line.

"Yeah, yeah. I, uh, gotta go. Bye." I hung up and caught my breath.

Finn stood there, smiling.

I smiled back and playfully rolled my eyes, before opening the window. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, may I have a large cheese pizza with anchovies and a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew? Thanks."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ew, you like anchovies? We can't be friends."

"I'm hoping to be more than that." He mumbled.


"Nothing." He quickly countered.

I knew what he said, I just wanted him to say it again. I smirked. "Okay then."

He climbed in, and threw himself onto my bed.

"You can come in." He caught onto the sarcasm real quick.

"Would you like me to leave?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Good point." I rolled my eyes once again. God, he's annoying. Cute, but super annoying.

We sat and talked for hours, and it was kinda nice. Just the two of us.


"So he came over to your house and you guys just talked?" Alexis asked, to confirm.

"Yes, he came in through my window while I was on the phone with Mercy."

She slowly nodded.

"You cannot tell her." I pointed my finger in her face.

She scoffed. "Of course I wouldn't."


"Hey girlies!" Leah squealed, coming over to our lunch table.

Mercy smiled, coming over as well.

"Now that squad's here, I've gotta ask...who's going to hoco?" Alexis asked.

"Ah...I don't know..." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah, me neither. No date." Leah said.

"Finn and I were gonna go...but I guess he had a change of plans." Mercy gestured towards the back of the cafeteria.

I quickly spun around to see Finn sitting with the Bellas.

"Oh, he didn't tell- nevermind."

"Funny story; he asked me to go with him..." Alexis chuckled slowly.

I shot her the most subtle yet deadly glare. "And?"

"I said no, because Murphy and I are going."

Good answer. I nodded proudly.

"I kinda knew he had a thing for you." Mercy said.

Alexis scoffed. "Even if he did, I wouldn't go for that hot- ugh, nevermind!"

I wanted to pull my hair out and scream. Jealousy's a bitch.

"Hey guys, vote for us for Homecoming Lord and Lady!" Nicole came over, arm-locked with Finn.

My jaw dropped. Seriously?

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