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Raegans pov:
Today I'm moving to Minnesota. Uh I'm gonna miss my friends. But hey I (hope) I make more. I chose to call kale and jack and say my good byes.
(K-kale J-Jack R-Rae)
R-hey guys!
K and J- Hey bud were gonna miss you
R-imma miss you guys too trust me
Rae's dad- "Rae it's time to go to the airport"
R-well I'll miss you guys bye!
K- Bye rae we will miss you
J- Bye bud love u and miss u!
I arrive and my plane is boarding uh I'm so tired so I put some ear phones in and fall to sleep
*time skip to next day*
Uh today's my first day of school I'm so nervous.
I get to school and walk into the office to get my schedule "We will get u a person mr.beast to show u around" the woman said "Justin blake to the office please justin Blake" then a few mins later there was a shimmy tiny boy standing in front of me uh he's so cute.
Justin's pov:
"Justin please show mr.beast around"
"Ok will do" Me and this like 5 foot tall boy start to walk. "So what's ur name?" I ask "Oh me I'm Raegan beast" he said "and you are" "oh I'm Justin blake" "oh that's a nice name" he says "so this is the boys washroom, ur homeroom class room, math, science, social studies, etc."  I tell him "also can I see ur schedule" "um sure..." he says " oh we have all the same classes great!" I say excitedly *bell rings* "well I have to get to gym your homeroom has art see ya Raegan" I say "Bye" he says
Raegans pov;
Wow he's so cute I can't wait to spend the rest of the year and each day with him... but I can't love him...
What do you think will happen next?
Comment below
(Also I will be finishing my smut series soon just wait😏😏😏)

I can't love him.... I don't love him....Where stories live. Discover now