1. Where you meet.

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You were the girlfriend of the one and only, Harry Styles. He treated you well but you didn't feel that spark anymore. He would go out with the 1D boys and you would stay at home with a bottle of wine. No romantic gestures were being made lately. One night he invites you to go with him. You reluctantly go along and see the members of The Wanted being all rowdy and having a good time. "Go get us a drink, love" Harry asks. You nod and walk over to the bar. You get Harry a beer then turn around to see Nathan Sykes. "Hey, you are Harry's girl, aren't you?" He asks. You nod and take a sip of your drink. " He did well" He winks. Then Harry comes out of nowhere and punches Nathan in the face. "Get away from my girl" He slurred. "HARRY!" You scream and help Nathan up,. "I am okay." He says. "What are you doing with him you slut!" Harry says. Clearly very drunk. " "Don't call this fine girl a slut, thanks" Nathan defends before taking a swing in Harry's face. He takes your hand and leads you to a taxi. From then his has been you Nathbear ever since. 


You were in your local Starbucks. Getting a coffee after your morning run. You sit down with your head phones in and drink it. You hear someone cough above you and you look up to see a curly haired man standing before you. "Er, hi. My mate over there is kind  of shy but he thinks you are really pretty." He says pointing towards a very handsome, tanned man. "He isn't bad looking himself" You laugh. "Basically, he doesn't have the balls to come over here so I was wondering if you could talk to him. It doesn't have to be long term but you know, if you haven't already been taken then you know give my mate a chance?" He asks. You nod and walk over to the man. "Hi I am Y/N." You smile up at him, admiring his amazing cheekbones. "I am Siva." He returns the smile unraveling his unexpected but incredibly hot Irish accent. You get talking with him and find out he is in a boy band and his mates were the other members. Occasionally some of them would shout over to you stuff like, "Get in there Seev", and stuff like that.You talk for hours and exchange numbers and very quickly fall for him...


It was your sisters birthday. She was turning 27 and she had dragged you along with her and her mates to a bar. Girls night out or so she said. You really were not enjoying it. As much as you loved a good party this one was shit. It was a loud, sweaty, fumy nightclub. You would prefer to be hammered in a local pub but this is where the birthday girl wanted so let her have it. She was screaming her head off to every song that on. Her mates were just as bad. You were just sitting at the Bar while they all jumped in a big sweaty mess with random strangers but in their words its called dancing. "You alright there love?" A Manchester accent says from behind you. You turn around to see a hot guy with a shaven head and grey eyes that made you melt. "I am fine, thanks" You manage to smile which he returns that made you go weak at the knees. He takes a seat next to you and starts to talk to you. He tells you his name, Max, and different stuff about him. You laugh at his pathetic jokes that are somehow funny. You calm your nerves and start to really be yourself. You end up drinking a fair bit and go very dizzy.      The next morning you wake up in your bed. You sit up and look to your bedside table to see a note. 'Thanks for last night, hope to see you again. My number is still in your phone, Call me?' It read. It is the start of a wild relationship


You can't take the pain anymore. The lies, the hurt. It is way too much. You fight the tears as you walk to the park you loved as a child. The only place you really felt happy. You opened your bag to find a bottle of pills. You sighed and nodded to yourself. Nothing can make you happy again, its all over. You had planned it all out. Go into the woods, where no one will find you. Take the whole bottle and end the pain you had suffered from your whole life. The shit would end. It would end now. You got up and just let the tears fall. You started running. The sooner the better ey? Then, suddenly, you collided with something hard. You feel two strong hands gently grab your arms and look up to see a pair of hazel eyes staring down at you with concern. "You okay sweetie?" He asks. You shake your head and break down in front of this complete stranger. He holds you tight as you weep into his shirt. "Sorry, I am getting you top wet." You sniff. "It's okay. I am Tom by the way. Now tell me, why is a pretty little girl like you all by her self and crying at this hour." He asks kindly smiling at you. You shake you hand as he takes you hand a kisses it. He seems to notice the pills and looks at you with worry. "You wern't?" He gasps. You say nothing and he holds you tight. He takes you home and stays the night with you refusing to leave you alone. 


You had known Jay all your life. Almost. But you could still remember how you met. You were 4 years old and he was 5. You had just moved into your new house and had already been invited over by the next door neighbours. Your mum got you into a pretty little dress and walked your over to next door. A small boys opened the door and let you in where Mrs and Mr Mcguiness stood with their four boys and a little baby girl. The parents get talking and you find yourself being led by the twins, Jay and Tom, around the house. You get to their room and start playing cars with them. You had taken quite a liking to Jay as he seemed to be almost protective of you. Ever since then you has been best friends. You would have occasional play dates, sleepovers and all that and as you grew older you would hang out all the time. You helped each other through the heartbreaks, first dates and everything in between. You always had feelings for Jay but just pushed them aside. You never thought he would like you back...

A/N: So yeah, hope you enjoyed this and comment below any other ones you would like. Au revoir<3  

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