Chapter 1

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A/N: The picture above is how Emma looks like

(Please note that we don't own this picture)


          They warned us. But now it's too late. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so I guess I'll start at the beginning. The beginning of the end.

          My name is Emma Anderson, and I was born on June 16, 2015. I'm 18 years old now. When I was little I had a pretty normal childhood. However, that didn't last very long.  A couple years ago, we made contact with aliens. Yeah, aliens. Not the stupid, green aliens that we make up in our imaginations. These aliens are intelligent and cunning. They sent us a message through the Mars Rover. They call themselves the Dominators. Real creative. That was sarcasm by the way.

          Earth was known to be a powerful planet in their opinion, and of course they want to "dominate" us. Get that? Dominate? Yeah, sorry. Back to the story. The government was thrown into chaos and war broke out everywhere. The first attack took place in Washington D.C. The rest of the attacks  have taken place all over the world, but U.S. was the worst. The only recognizable thing that still stands in D.C. is the White House. Typical. Just like in every sci-fi movie. But this is real. This is reality. The war was bloody to say the least. There were so many casualties. So many people died. Including my parents.

          I will never forget. The memories will haunt me for the rest of my life. The memories of the government officials walking into our house, through our door, and telling my sister and I that they were gone. The memories of holding my sister as she cried from her nightmares. These are the memories that fuel my revenge, wanting to kill these aliens and have my life back to normal. But that will never happen as long as the government continues to destroy our lives.

          By pure luck somehow, we won the war. But it's not over. They vowed revenge. They will come back, I'm sure of it. Everyone's sure of it. To be honest though, we lost. We lost our unity and our freedom in this world. The government started passing new laws, and declared new rules in our town and cities. They set us a curfew for everyone. At 9:30 pm, you won't see a single soul outside. At least that's what I heard.

          After the war, the government took all of the kids ages 16 to 20 to be trained to fight in the next war. They gave us a test, to assess our intelligence and other things like that. Whoever passed was allowed military training. Everyone else was dumped back in the cities, and was left to fend for themselves. I don't know my actual score, but they told me that passed my test with flying colors.

          The kids younger than 16 that had no family were sent to a classified "safe" location. I haven't seen Sophie since then. Oh yeah, Sophie is my sister. My little sister that means the world to me, and I would die for her happiness. It wasn't fair. They just ripped us apart. She's still a little girl. She needs me. The only form of communication that we have is to send each other letters. The military reads our letters first and decides whether or not it contains dangerous information.

          I'm 18 years old, so I got sent to the military base to get trained. I'm in this huge military base, that's surrounded by water. It looks like a typical island, with a white beach and warm water. I often like to go there during my free time to watch the stars. It reminds me of the frequent camping trips that my family took. The only way in or out is through the underwater passages that are closely monitored in case someone tries to escape. This base is more like a prison if you ask me. Everyday is the same:

6:30- Wake up and prepare for bunk inspection

7:30- Have food in the mess hall

8:00- Report to our teams for training

12:00- Mess hall for lunch

12:30- Announcement from the head leaders

1:00- Personal Training

3:00- Report to teams for games

7:00- Mess hall for dinner

8:00- Free Time

8:30- Lights Out

          It gets really boring here. Their idea is to make us build as much muscle as possible. Every year, two teams graduate. The graduating teams get positions that best fit their talents. Some become spies, generals, or they get a chance to train the next group of kids. Whatever position they choose, they still have to fight in the war one way or another. Whether that is gathering intel or actually fighting in the field.  

         In terms of rank, our team is fourth. We have a long way to go if we want to get into the top two. It's not that our team is bad, it's just that the other teams are better. You get points based on how well you perform in the games. Sometimes it's our simple childhood games, like Capture the Flag, but with a major violent twist. If you aren't careful you could get seriously hurt. 

          Most of the times, teams form alliances to ensure that they will win. We have to be careful though. Your every move is tracked and assessed by a group of people. Rarely, some of the training generals come and watch our games. If they see that we have improved, they can award us points. That's how Team Amber got so ahead. 

         There are 10 teams, each named after a color. We are Team Gold. In each group, there are five kids and a leader. My speciality is long ranged attacks. For some reason I have excellent aim. Michael, our leader, is great in literally everything. I don't know why, but he is really protective of all of us. In my opinion, he follows the rules too much. Then there is Evan, who is great with stealth. Despite being a sneaky person, he is really nice. He is also our lead strategist. Olivia's talent is with knives and her twin brother Oliver is good at close combat. I can honestly say that Olivia is my best friend. She and Oliver have always been there for me since the day I arrived here. 

          We make up a pretty good team. All of us have become really good friends. We each have out own painful past, that we don't like to talk about. However, we are always there for each other. More than a team, it's like we became each others family.

          Sometimes, I wonder if my life could ever go back to the way it was. My sister and I would be living normal mundane lives, with no worries about the world ending. I would be thinking about college soon, and Sophie would be enjoying her freedom as a 7 year old girl. My parents would still be alive, and I wouldn't ask for anything more. But in a way, this entire experience has taught me to appreciate life, and the things we have now because they can slip away in an instant.


A/N: Hey everyone! So, this is the first chapter of our story, and we hoped that you liked it so far!

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