Chapter 4

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A/N: This is how Ryan's room looks like

(Please note that we do not own this picture) 


15:32 Hours


Location: C.I.T.A.L

Objective: Find and bring back Emma Anderson

          As promised, there was a packet of information waiting in my room.

          I opened the folder and found myself looking at all the known about this rebel. I flipped the page and saw the picture of her and gasped. It's the girl from the beach. What has she done that's so bad that they need her so desperately? Well whatever the cause, I have to succeed or else it's all over for me. I flip to her overview:

Emma Anderson:

Age: 18

Birthday: June 16, 2015

Height: 5'-8"

Home: Los Angeles, California

Team: Gold

Accepted: December 29, 2023

Trail Score: 2390/2400

Speciality: Long Range

Casualties/Insurrections: None


Sophia Anderson

Age: 11

Location: Classified

Emilia Anderson

Deceased: November 14, 2022

Occupation: Army Surgeon

John Anderson

Deceased: November 14, 2022

Occupation: Army Surgeon

          I paused when I read about her family. November 14 huh. Both of her parents died in the attack then the Dominators first came. That must have been rough. They both died treating the wounded soldiers from the battlefront. I feel a twinge of sympathy run through me. 

          No Ryan. She is your enemy now. 

          A 2390. That's very impressive. She must be very intelligent. Not many people get that high of a score. I thought that I was the only one to get that high of a score.

          As I read on and on about her info, it doesn't make sense as to why she would do something so out of line. She seems like someone who follows the rules. None of this is making sense. Why would she hold a man at gunpoint, and shoot someone? Wait. There is no way that she would've just stumble across the security room and find a gun. What would she want from the security cameras anyways?

          I jump off my desk and slowly make my way to the security room. As I expected, there are a new group of guards present there. Since I know that they would know nothing about this incident, I move on towards the medical wing. I see the man who was shot resting on a bed. Hearing me approach, his eyes snap open and he moves to a sitting position.

          "You must be the person that was assigned to catch that girl aren't you. Awfully young aren't you?" he questions me with a sly grin.

          Ignoring his comment, I ask "What was Emma Anderson's purpose in the room? Which room did she want to see?"

          "I believe it was the biology lab," he answers all attitude gone.

          I take a note of this and continue, "Did you see what she was looking at?"

          "THAT is classified information!" I hear a voice behind me announce. We both jump and turn to see Mr. Allen approaching us.

          "Mr. Carter, will you please join me outside? I have information for you that will provide useful for your search."

          I follow him outside, and he hands me a bag. "This should be everything that you need for your mission. All equipment has already been granted access to our communication channels" he calmly announces. 

          "Will you need anything else?" he asks, but behind his fake smile I could tell that he was hiding something. I choose to ignore it.

          I return to my room, and empty the contents of the bag onto my bed. I scan the contents. A gun, a couple of knives, ration packets, the typical undercover gear, and an earpiece. I sit down on my bed, my head resting against the wall. 

          Why is all of this information classified? Even mom won't tell me anything. Could this be about her secret experiment? If this girl knows the government's most important secret, then I cannot afford to fail. She could uproot the entire system. She has to be put down no matter what.

          I quickly pack the stuff back into my bag. I open my computer, and the screen flashes to life. I quickly enter the clearance passcode into the search bar, and Emma's information pulls up. I skim through it one more time, committing the information to memory. 

          I check the tracker number on the escape pod that she used. 

          Los Angeles huh. She probably went back there since she knows the most about this place. So she has field advantage. Should be tricky. 

          Taking out a map, I start plotting out the areas that I should check first, and what to be careful of.

          You must be thinking that in Los Angeles it should be impossible to find someone. It's not. Since the city is so huge, there are a ton of security cameras, which means more clues for me. I remain in my room for the rest of the day formulating a plan as to how I can capture her. The next day, I call Mr. Allen and tell him I have a plan.


A/N: Hey everyone! Chapter 4 is out! We hope that you are liking the story so far! Stay tuned, we will be updating as soon as possible!

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