The end........Or not!!!

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Dee pov

Today is the day I get the chain (you don't even know who won yet) Let me dream, anyways i am really excited so i decided to wear a dress i know crazy right but it just red and plain. So i walk out my room and see nova talking but when he turned around he was staring at me mighty hard I saw like one strand of drool come out of his mouth I snapped my finger in his face and said NOVA like three times

Nova Pov

When dee walked down stairs it was like i saw and angel i was drooling a little and staring LOT but i guess she saw cuz she was snapping her finger in my face saying my name i said huh she said like what you see i said duhh didn't you see me drooling over there we both started laughing


Jd is now saying the winners it is between me and my boo but be prepared for what he said because what he said shocked the heck out of me me he said...................... CLIFFHANGER


he said me and Dee won the chain we were so happy but dee was doing the most she fake fell on the floor i helped her up and we went to go sign the contract but all i could think about is how much our life's are going to change in the future.

Hi guys yes this is the end but guess what IM MAKING A Sequel be ready because it going to be filled with drama and surprises so get ready its not over yet

As always lovee you!!!! <3

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