Hello, my name is John, im a simple man, im 28 i dropped out of school to help my parents with their farm. i have a loving wife named Elizabeth and a little girl named AnnaBelle. Those two things are the reason i go to work and have a job i dont know what i would do if i lost them, who would provide for them, who would tuck my little Anna in at night, who would give her goodnight kisses? who would comfort her when she got nightmares? I hope that i dont get drafted...
God-Dammit! I got to go to Germany because the goddamned government tells me to! Why me, i have a family to care for who will take care of my little girl and my wife. What'll happen to the farm! I cant fucking believe this oh my god oh my god oh my god! Who will tuck her into bed and fend off the monsters under her bed! I have to pack. this is so god damn ridiculous. At least ill see them when i get home...
Im on the train to the port right now and only have a few minutes to write so ill make this quick. im going to Germany, im not fighting for my country. im fighting for my baby and my wife. we just got here i have to go i will write on the boat.
Im on the boat now its... actually very gorgeous out here. a little while ago we watched some dolphins jump in and out of the water. it was amazing ill send some drawings back home i bet that Anna will love them...
I think im going to like this alot... at least the ride over there. The blue sky, the blue and white water rippling with waves. It's all gorgeous
i havent been able to write for a few months now jesus christ... everything has gone to shit dannys dead, so is jack. im writing on a peice of toilet paper and the last nub of a pencil i have so this will be the last entry for a while. if i dont make it back... i love you guys... more than anything in this tiny tiny world. ive killed people to keep them from coming to you guys. i did it for love i love you guys. goodbye...
We won! We one the fucking war i cant believe it!I get to come home to you guys ill be home in less than three months to see you guys! i cant wait to tell the stories and show Anna the drawings i did from the boat! oh my god i have to go ill be home soon!
Im on the boat home finally ill be home in a couple of weeks i drew a bunch more pictures for Anna! shell love them one of them is a sunset filled with pinks blues oranges and all the rest it was one of the most gorgeous things ive ever seen, well of course next to my two favorite girls! Well its lights out i have to go bye next time you see or hear from me it will be at the docks!
nobody told me. shes gone. my little AnnaBelle Lillian Walters, is gone she got sick while i was gone at war, it was pneumonia. She died after a two month fight. it was my fault.
ive been home for two months 7 months since...she... died. All that elizabeth and i do now is fight, and the screams oh god the screams. i hear them at night or even in broad daylight ill be milking the cows and all the sudden ill see the blood and hear the screams. i cant do it anymore its to much.
ive been home for four months now. elizabeth and i have gotten better, were sleeping in the same bed again. i talked to a doctor about my head, he said its called shell shock. its pretty much i have flashbacks to the war. theyre getting worse, now they last for minutes at a time. its getting unbearable
The flashbacks have stopped and elizabeth is pregnant everything is so much better.
We have a little boy. his name is alex he has the prettiest green eyes, he gets them from his mother
From what i read its been two years since i last touched this journal. so much has changed alex has learned to crawl and can even walk a few steps and he loves to colour just like his daddy. i love him so much, but there still is a place in my heart for my little girl. there isnt a day that doesnt go by that i dont think about her...
im sick, the doctors say its pneumonia... the same thing that took her. i wont let it take me to!
Ive started to cough blood and i cant see anything anymore the doctors give me two weeks.
my little girl is waiting for me on the other side i love you alex, elizabeth i love you, you were the apple of my eye you were my life-blood you are the only reason i got through the war.
my dying breaths are a poem
the moon at night and the sun by day/migrating birds when skies are grey/whispering breezes,soft summer rain/shimmering fields of ripe,golden grain/seasons that change as if on cue/acres of flowers of every hue/shrimp boats at twighlight an eagle on wing/new budding trees whispering spring/valleys and mountains rivers and streams/magnolia nights with shiny moonbeams/december days whiter then fleece/an unknown soldier resting in peace/puppies and kittens made to love/sunsets and rainbows high above/mother and child in rocking chair/dad's calloused hands folded in prayer/ And they say there is no god!
short storys
القصة القصيرةThis is going to be a book of short storys I think of in my free time.