Corbyn pt2

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So this is the part 2 for the first Corbyn 'request' i did. Also i haven't had time to edit so if things dont make sense then too bad lol. love ya, also this story will be in lower case, cause i feel like it. Im tired. School sucks, okay lets get on with it: swearing and dirty ;)) this wont be devoted to anyone, but for everyone. 

Y/n Pov

I woke up with a blasting headache, last night, i dont even know what happened. I sit up and feel a body next to me, i carefully turn my head to see what or who is there, and to my shock, i see Corbyn, lying there peacefully. I widen my eyes and shake him slightly. "corbyn" He doesnt respond at first, so i blow in his ear. 

"Urgrguh, what the fuck bro" I guess he thought i was zach or someone

When he sees me his eyes widen, the same way mine did. 

"Oh, y/n? What you doing here?" 

"Dont you mean what are you doing here, corbyn?" 

"Oh.. *he looks down* rightt" 

I smile, "Thats okay, you can stay"

I lean down and put my head on his chest, cuddling his waist. *sigh* "Wait? So what are you doing here" 

I look up at his eyes and he blushes slightly... "long story..."

Corbyns Pov

I have no idea how y/n is accepting this. The fact that i woke up next to her and she didnt even freak out.. like what has changed? I know.. last night was a little crazy. She did admit her feelings to me, but she was drunk! That night, when she fell asleep in my arms, i made a promise, that i would make her feel some love. I love her, and she needs to know. 

I know this is a little short, but there will be a part 3 -if you want me to do it-

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