• Chapter One •

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AN: I might start doing my author notes like this. It looks nicer. Anyways, yes I did this book thing because I wasn't satisfied with the original cringeworthy ending, so I'm making another one. Someone stop me lolol.

Also Jaehee P.O.V is the point of view of child Jaehee since adult Jaehee is... yeah... xx

{ Jaehee P.O.V }

I hear my alarm clock beeping and try to throw stuff at it to get it to shut up. My dad moved it across the room because he was tired of me hitting the snooze button in the mornings and then falling back asleep. He didn't like having to drag me — no, seriously. He had to literally drag me — out of bed in the mornings. As long as my clock was on the other side of the room, I had to get up myself.

I walk over and turn it off before I get a headache. I still feel tired and drowsy as I put on my school uniform. The early morning sun is beaming through my window. I'm really glad it's a nice day today. I brush out my hair and walk over to the windowsill, leaning down. Every single morning there's a yellow butterfly on it, even when it's winter. I smile at it. "Hey." I say. The butterfly flaps its wings. I never really named it, it was just a butterfly, but it seemed to watch over me. I hear my phone buzz, so I go to check it.

👾 Hyun 👾

Hyun: Lunch, SnT's?? I'll pay.

Me: Alright, sounds great.

Hyun: K
Hyun: Wait wat do u want??

Me: For you to use proper English -_-

Hyun: Fine.

Hyun: WHAT do YOU want at Sweets and Treats Coffee??

Me: You don't need to spell out SnT's.

Hyun: ugh fuck off
Hyun: What do you want?? come on.
Hyun: The usual?

Me: Haha yeah the usual is fine, thanks. :3

Hyun: No prob

Me: ?

Hyun: -_-
Hyun: Problem

Me: Good.
Me: See you at school!! 💛💛💛

Hyun: Ya, see you then Jae.

I put my phone in my bag and hoist it up over my shoulder, leaving my bedroom. My dad is in the kitchen, sat at the table, piles and piles of papers surrounding him. He should really get an assistant to help him. I toss the bag into the kitchen and it lands somewhat near the table, making a loud thud as it hits the tiles. My dad, who hadn't even known I was up yet, jumps and falls backwards, tipping the chair over. I can't help but laugh, but I go over to him and help him up. "Are you alright?" I ask him. He rubs the back of his head. "Yeah, I'm fine." He says. He fixes his glasses higher on his nose. My dad has trouble reading things that are up close nowadays. I tell him it's because he's too old. He tells me to shut up. It's great.

"So," I say as I head over to the kitchen and open a cupboard, grabbing a frying pan. "Whatcha doooiin?" I ask as I get breakfast ready. "Paperwork." He replies blandly. I nod, even though he's not looking at me. "Did..." I turn to him. "Did mom ever do paperwork?" My dad sighs. "Jaehee..." "I'm just asking!" I say, putting my hands in the air. I begin making eggs. "I know you're just asking but it's too early..." My dad says, trailing off. I hear his pen scribble on the paper. It's always too early, or too late, or not the right time. I think. Why won't he just tell me? What is it that I can't know? "It was just a question, dad." I say once again. "I know, it's just... I don't like to talk about it." He says. "I know." I say in a quiet voice. I continue cooking. "But... did she?" My dad sighs and doesn't speak, but I hear him flip through some paperwork. I sigh. "Never mind..." I try to say it as disappointedly as I can so he'll give me somewhat of an answer. He hates it when I'm upset.

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