Clumsy prt1

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It was a Saturday, Grace had nothing planned so she decided to go out for a jog but what grace didn't know was that things would be different by the end of the night.

Grace got up and got in the shower, she just remembered that she had no meetings or anything else planned she felt bored, she called Tyler but he was in new York at the super bowl, then she called Mamrie but she was just heading out to an audition for some new YouTube thing that she couldn't remember the name of.

After awhile Grace decides that she is going to go out for a run, she sprints up her stairs changes into jog bottoms and a tank top, sticks her trainers on and off she goes.

Grace takes a short-cut to get to an old track field she used to go to when she was sad, nobody ever goes there , but this time was different there was a group of what looked like teenagers sitting in the abandoned track field, Grace started to get really anxious so she decided to turn back before she had a panic attack, but Grace being Grace she tripped over a log and fell right on her knee she knew that she couldn't get up she also knew she would have to call for help.

Panicking even more she grabbed her phone praying to god that she hadn't broke it she quickly dialled Hannah's number, the younger hart always seemed to be on the other end of these help calls from Grace.

Grace hesitated before she hit the call button because grace had strong feeling for Hannah but she knew Hannah would never feel the same, she hits the button now because her knee was in excruciating pain.

Phone call

"Hello Hannah"

"Yes grace what you needed me"

"I'm hurt and I need help please come"

Grace was now in tears

"Hold on Gracie tell me where you are and I will come get you"

"I'm at the forest part of the old track"

"That really creepy one you always used to go?"

"Yes please hurry Han"

"Ok I will be there soon hang on sweetie"

End of call

It took Hannah about 10 minutes to reach the track and 5 to actually find grace.

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